Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015
The Layouts screen allows you to apply Simple Edit Layouts to root nodes and will override any Simple Edit Layouts that have been applied on the Layout Manager. This means, for example, that you can have different layouts for different Sites. For more information on creating Simple Edit Layouts and the Layout Manager, refer to the Simple Edits Layouts manual.
Bookmarks to the headings on this page:
Add Layout
This section allows you to select which asset types you want to apply a Simple Edit Layout to.
The Add Layout section of the Layouts screen
Select the asset types from the list provided and click Commit. For example, if you have created a layout for the Standard Page, select Standard Page from the list and click Commit. Additional fields for that asset type will appear in the Edit Layouts section below. To select multiple asset types at once, click the More... button. An additional list will appear on the screen.
Edit Layouts
This section allows you to select which Simple Edit Layouts to use for a particular asset type. By default, no information will appear. Once you have selected an asset type in the Add A Layout section, the fields shown in the figure below will appear.
The Edit Layouts section of the Layouts screen
Each asset type that is selected will appear in a blue heading. For example, in the figure above the Standard Page asset type has been selected hence Page Standard appears in a blue heading.
In the Add a layout for screen list, select the screen you want to apply a layout to and click Commit. For example, if you have created a Simple Edit Layout for the Metadata screen, select Metadata from the list and click Commit. If you have only created one Simple Edit Layout for the asset type, select Details from the list and click Commit. Additional fields will appear on the screen, as shown in the figure below.
Additional fields in the Edit Layouts section
Select the Simple Edit Layout in the Layout section and click Commit. The layout will now be used in the Simple Edit Interface for the selected asset type.
Tip: A Simple Edit Layout will only be visible if a Design has been applied to the asset. If the Simple Edit Layout does not appear, a Design may not have been applied. For more information on how to apply a Design, refer to the Settings chapter.
Once you have applied a Simple Edit Layout, you do not need to reapply it if you make a change to the layout. The Simple Edit Interface will be automatically be updated with the changes.
To remove a screen for an asset type, click the Remove field and click Commit. To remove an asset type, select the Remove Customisations option under the blue heading and click Commit.