SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2019
This entire chapter refers to a feature that was added in version 4.16.0
The SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway asset allows you to create a Direct Post payment gateway, providing users with a secure way to pay for their items. For more information, visit the SecurePay website.
SecurePay online payment gateway and eCommerce solutions are only available to users within Australia.
Please note that the SecurePay online payment gateway posts payment information directly to a remote server. Your Squiz Matrix server and hosting infrastructure needs to be PCI compliance in order to use this payment gateway
The SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway accepts the following card types:
- American Express
- Diners Club
- MasterCard
A successful transaction originating from a SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway will generate the E-Commerce Payment Completed Trigger Event. For more information, refer to the Trigger Events chapter in the Triggers manual.
Once you have added a SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway, you can configure its settings on its associated asset screens. The majority of these screens are the same or similar to those for a Standard Page and are described in the Asset Screens manual. In this chapter, we will describe the Details and Display Formatting screens, which are different for a SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway.
Additional Dependant Assets
The additional dependant assets
When you create a SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway, the Display Format Bodycopy asset is automatically created beneath it, as shown in the figure to the right. You can use this Bodycopy to define the contents and layout of the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway form. This Bodycopy can also be accessed via the Display Formatting screen.
Details Screen
The Details screen allows you to configure the settings of the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway. For more information about the Status, Future Status, Thumbnail and Details sections, refer to the Details Screen chapter in the Asset Screens manual.
SecurePay Account Details
This section allows you to enter your SecurePay account details, as well as configure the general settings of the payment gateway.
The SecurePay Account Details section of the Details screen
In order to accept payments on the Direct Post Payment Gateway, you will need to obtain a SecurePay account. For more information, visit the SecurePay website.
The following fields are available:
- Merchant ID: enter your merchant ID, supplied to you by SecurePay Customer Support once your account has been actived.
- Password: enter your transaction password, supplied to you by SecurePay.
- Transaction Type: select the payment type for individual transactions on the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway. This field allows you to select between the regular Payment type and Payment with FraudGuard Service. Please note that SecurePay's FraudGuard service must be correct configured on your SecurePay account.
- Currency: select the currency that will be used in all e-commerce transactions processed by the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway. The following currencies are available:
- Great British Pound (GBP)
- Australian Dollar (AUD)
- United States Dollar (USD)
- Euro (EUR)
- Japanese Yen (JPY)
- Canadian Dollar (CAD)
- Card Types: select the card types that will be available on the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway. If a card type is not selected, users will not be able to select that card type during the transaction process. By default, all card types are selected.
Test Mode
This section allows you to modify the payment gateway to function in Test Mode.
To credentials to use Test Mode are:
Merchant ID: ABC0001
Password: abc123
The Test Mode section of the Details screen is shown in the figure below.
The Test Mode section of the Details screen
In the Enable Test Mode field, select whether or not to use the payment gateway for testing purposes only. If this field is set to Yes, the payment gateway will not process any payments and the Card Number field on the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway form will be replaced with the test drop down menu, as shown in the figure below.
The SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway running in Test Mode
Pass through Variables
This section allows you to source address information for the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway, to display on the gateway via keyword replacements available on the Display Format Bodycopy. If your payment gateway has been configured with FraudGuard, these fields can also be used to pass billing information to SecurePay. The Pass through Variables section of the Details screen is shown in the figure below.
The Pass through Variables section of the Details screen
In the available fields, enter the pass through variable keys for the corresponding questions. These keys must be configured on the Ecommerce Rules screen of the Ecommerce Form Page. For more information, refer to the Ecommerce Rules Screen section of the Ecommerce Form Page chapter in this manual. The fields that are available in this section are as follows:
- First Name Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the first name of the billing address.
- Last Name Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the last name of the billing address.
- Street Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the street of the billing address.
- City Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the city of the billing address.
- Postcode Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the postcode the billing address.
- State Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the state of the billing address.
- Country Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the country of the billing address.
- Email Variable Name: enter the pass through variable key for the email address of the customer.
Interface Options
This section allows you to change the wording of the buttons for the payment gateway.
The Interface Options section of the Details screen
The fields that are available in this section are as follows:
- Submit Button Text: enter the text to display as the submit button. By default, this button will read Submit. This button is displayed when the keyword replacement Submit Button is used on the Display Format Bodycopy.
- Reset Button Text: enter the text to display as the reset button. By default, this button will read Reset. This button is displayed when the keyword replacement Reset Button is used on the Display Format Bodycopy.
- Cancel Button Text: enter the text to display as the cancel button. By default, this button will read Cancel. This button is displayed when the keyword replacement Cancel Button is used on the Display Format Bodycopy.
Display Formatting Screen
The Display Formatting screen allows you to edit the Display Format Bodycopy. Please note that this Bodycopy can also be edited by right clicking on the Display Format Bodycopy in the Asset Map and selecting Edit Contents.
Display Format Bodycopy
The Display Format Bodycopy is used to define the layout of the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway page. The default layout of the payment gateway is shown in the figure below.
The default layout of the SecurePay Direct Post Payment Gateway
To change the information that is being shown, click on the icon – the WYSIWYG Editor will appear where you can use the keyword replacements and formatting to set the layout of the information to show on the payment gateway page. By default, the information shown in the figure below will appear in the WYSIWYG Editor.
The WYSIWYG Editor on the Display Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacements on the Display Format Bodycopy
A list of keyword replacements is provided in the WYSIWYG Editor toolbar on the Edit Contents screen of the Display Format Bodycopy. You can use these keyword replacements in conjunction with text, images and links etc to configure the layout of the payment gateway page. The standard keyword replacements that are available include the following:
- Credit Card Number: this will show the card number field.
- Credit Card Expiry Month (text box): this will show the card expiry month text field.
- Credit Card Expiry Month (drop-down box): this will show the card expiry month drop-down field.
- Credit Card Expiry Year (text box) : this will show the card expiry year text field.
- Credit Card Expiry Year (drop-down box): this will show the card expiry year drop-down field.
- Card CV2: this will show the card CV2 field.
- Card Type: this will show the card type field.
- Card Holder's First Name: this will show the card holder's first name field.
- Card Holder's Last Name: this will show the card holder's last name field.
- Billing Address Street (Street Number, Name and Type): this will show the customer's street address as specified on the billing address.
- Billing Address Postcode: this will show the customer's postcode as specified on the billing address.
- Billing Address City: this will show the customer's city as specified on the billing address.
- Billing Address State : this will show the customer's state as specified on the billing address.
- Billing Address Country: this will show the customer's country of residence as specified on the billing address.
- Customer's Email Address: this will show the customers email address.
- Submit Button: this will show the submit button on the payment gateway.
- Cancel Button: this will show the cancel button on the payment gateway.
- Cancel URL: this will show the URL to cancel the transaction.
- Reset Button: this will show the reset button on the payment gateway.
- Transaction Amount: this will show the amount of money that is to be paid in the transaction.
- Transaction Currency: this will show the currency in which the transaction is being carried out.
- Processing Error (empty if no error): this will show any processing errors. For example, if the user forgets to fill out a field.
Tip: A number of these fields are compulsory when creating a working payment gateway. If the required fields are not available to the user, the transaction will not be able to be completed.