
Minor Enhancements

Updated Default Naming of Content Containers


The naming convention for Content Containers has been updated to be simpler and more consistent.

Previously, the name included the asset ID of the container and produced a name such as "Content Container 1234". Any subsequent containers you add to that same asset, would then receive a name of "New Content Container 1234".

This has now been changed so that any new containers simply just get "Content Container" as their name for both originally created containers and new ones added under the same asset. The id="" attribute generated on the frontend still includes the asset ID in order to make sure the HTML markup for the IDs is kept unique.

Wider Notice Links Support for Global Keywords


Back in version we made Global Keywords inside Content Containers produce Notice Links so that you could keep better track of asset relations.

We've now extended this support to also include Global Keywords that you use within Keyword Modifiers and Conditional Keywords.

For example, the following methods of using Global Keywords will now also produce Notice Links:


Last Log In Info Added to User Details Screen


The date and IP address of a User's last log in to the system is now available on the Details screen of each user.

This information is not available for LDAP Users (yet) and the Public User asset.

Other Enhancements

  • #10359 - Simplify Keyword labels in the Insert Keyword list for custom forms
  • #11152 - LDAP Bridge should provide a reason as to why it can't connect
  • #11289 - Add maxlength to textareas in Custom Forms
  • #11518 - Update OS and browser list on Google Analytics View's Audience screen
  • #11535 - Change all applicable number input fields on system config and global prefs screens to html5 number input types
  • #11550 - Make HIPO popups appear in centre of window

Bug Fixes

  • #10233 - All Design Files need to restrict Parse File Upload file types
  • #11063 - Some extra attributes get stripped on mysource_print design tags in design files
  • #11238 - Bulkmail Job Scheduling progressively starting 15 minutes later
  • #11390 - Improve masking of Proxy config password changes in logs and emails
  • #11407 - LDAP groups placed under matrix groups don't get correct permissions inherited
  • #11441 - Saving the Details screen of an asset listing registers a change in attributes even though no changes have been made
  • #11447 - Matrix not preserving URL query string when redirecting to URL with the correct protocol
  • #11468 - Target icon missing in Edit+ WYSIWYG insert image and link plugins
  • #11495 - Asset attributes of type "serialised" values not returned as array on create
  • #11510 - Context switcher broken if the context name has single quote char
  • #11525 - Submission logs not loading if there is an empty submission
  • #11529 - Cascading "Make Live" on Safe Edit Approved To Go Live parent causes child Safe Edit assets to cancel safe edit
  • #11544 - Creating/Deleting shadow asset links does not do logging nor fire events
  • #11555 - Typo in function name -  Braintree Asset