Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2019

This chapter lists the default keyword replacements that are available within Squiz Matrix. These keyword replacements can be used on a majority of the assets.

Asset Information

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_assetid% The ID of the asset. 
%asset_name% Full name of the asset.
%asset_short_name% Short name of the asset.
%asset_name_linked% The name of the asset, linked to the asset.  
%asset_short_name_linked% The short name of the asset, linked to the asset. 
%asset_type% Asset type.
%asset_type_icon% Asset Map icon of the asset being displayed. 
%asset_type_icon_url% URL of the Asset Map icon of the asset being displayed.
%asset_version% Version of the asset being displayed.
%asset_version_major% Major version number of the asset being displayed.
%asset_version_minor% Minor version number of the asset being displayed.
%asset_version_micro% Micro version number of the asset being displayed.
%asset_url% URL of the asset.
%asset_url_<context>% URL of a context of an asset, where <context> is the name of the context. For example, %asset_url_Default_Context% will display the asset URL on the Default Context.
%asset_web_path% The shortest web path assigned to the asset.
%asset_href% Relative href of the asset from the requested URL.
%asset_sibling_prev% The ID of the previous asset in the Asset Tree.
%asset_sibling_next% The ID of the next asset in the Asset Tree.
%asset_parent% Returns the asset ID of current parent asset based on the current asset in its lineage context.
%asset_parents% Returns the asset IDs of all direct parent assets based on the current asset in an array.
For example, if you have the following asset tree structure:
|- Root Folder [1]
   |- A [1111]
| |- D [4444]
| |- B [2222]
| |- D [4444]  |
|- C [3333] |- D [4444]
The %asset_parents% keyword would return  ["1111","2222","3333"] for D.
 %asset_linking_info% Returns the Linking information of the asset. The same information that is shown on the Linking screen of the asset.
%asset_linking_lineage% Returns the current asset lineage based on the current asset in its lineage context.

Creation Details

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_created% The date and time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
%asset_created_short% The date that the asset was created. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD.
%asset_created_readable% The date and time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is DD M YYYY H:MM[AM/PM].
%asset_created_readabledate% The date that the asset was created. The format that will be used is DD-MM-YYYY. 
%asset_created_readabletime% The time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is H:MM[AM/PM].
%asset_created_relative%  When the asset was created, relative to the current date. For example, 3 days ago or 1 week ago.
%asset_created_relative-dow% When the asset was created, relative to the day of the week. For example, 5pm on Tuesday.
%asset_created_iso8601% The date and time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is ISO8601. 
%asset_created_rfc2822% The date and time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is RFC2822.
%asset_created_ical% The date and time that the asset was created. The format that will be used is iCalendar.
%asset_created_by_name% Full name of the user that created the asset.
%asset_created_by_first_name% First name of the user that created the asset.
%asset_created_by_last_name% Surname of the user that created the asset.
%asset_created_by_email% Email of the user that created the asset.
%asset_created_by_assetid% The asset ID of the user that created the asset. 
%asset_created_by_url% The URL of the user that created the asset. 
%asset_created_by_thumbnail% The related thumbnail of the user that created the asset. This keyword respects the various permutations of the existing asset_thumbnail keywords, outlined below.
%asset_created_X% The configured date and/or time that the asset was created, where X is a PHP date character. For example, the keyword replacement %asset_updated_F% would display the month when the asset was created (January, February etc). Please visit for a full list of the date characters available. 

Last Updated Details

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_updated% The date and time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
%asset_updated_short% The date that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD.  
%asset_updated_readable% The date and time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is DD M YYYY H:MM[AM\PM].
%asset_updated_readabledate% The date that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is DD-MM-YYYY.  
%asset_updated_readabletime% The time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is H:MM[AM/PM].  
%asset_updated_relative%   When the asset was last updated, relative to the current date. 
%asset_updated_relative-dow%   When the asset was last updated, relative to the day of the week.  
%asset_updated_iso8601%  The date and time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is ISO8601.  
%asset_updated_rfc2822%  The date and time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is RFC2822.  
%asset_updated_ical%  The date and time that the asset was last updated. The format that will be used is iCalendar.  
%asset_updated_by_name%  Full name of the user that last updated the asset.  
%asset_updated_by_first_name% First name of the user that last updated this asset.  
%asset_updated_by_last_name% Surname of the user that last updated this asset.  
%asset_updated_by_email%  Email of the user that last updated this asset.  
%asset_updated_by_assetid% The asset ID of the user that last updated this asset.  
%asset_updated_by_url% The URL of the user that created the asset.
%asset_updated_by_thumbnail% The related thumbnail of the user that last updated this asset. This keyword respects the various permutations of the existing asset_thumbnail keywords, outlined below.
%asset_updated_X%  The configured date and/or time that the asset was last updated, where X is a PHP date character. For example, the keyword replacement %asset_updated_l% would display the day the asset was last updated (Monday, Tuesday etc). Please visit for a full list of the date characters available.  

Last Published Details

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_published% The date and time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
%asset_published_short%  The date that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD.  
%asset_published_readable%  The date and time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is DD M YYYY H:MM[AM/PM].
%asset_published_readabledate% The date that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is DD-MM-YYYY.  
%asset_published_readabletime% The time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is H:MM[AM\PM].  
%asset_published_relative%   When the asset was last published, relative to the current date.  
%asset_published_relative-dow%  When the asset was last published, relative to the day of the week.  
%asset_published_iso8601%  The date and time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is ISO8601. 
%asset_published_rfc2822%  The date and time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is RFC2822.
%asset_published_ical%  The date and time that the asset was last published. The format that will be used is iCalendar.
%asset_published_by_name%  Full name of the user that last published the asset.
%asset_published_by_first_name% First name of the user that last published this asset.
%asset_published_by_last_name% Surname of the user that last published this asset.
%asset_published_by_email%  Email of the user that last published this asset.
%asset_published_by_assetid% The asset ID of the user that last published this asset.
%asset_published_by_url% The URL of the user that last published this asset.
 %asset_published_by_thumbnail% The related thumbnail of the user that last published this asset. This keyword respects the various permutations of the existing asset_thumbnail keywords, outlined below.
%asset_published_X%  The configured date and/or time that the asset was last published, where X is a PHP date character. For example, the keyword replacement %asset_published_Y% would display the year the asset was last updated (2008, 2009 etc). Please visit for a full list of the date characters available.

Please note that last published means that last time theStatusof the asset was changed toLive, for example fromUnder ConstructiontoLive.

Last Status Change Details

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_status_changed%  The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 
%asset_status_changed_short% The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is YYYY-MM-DD. 
%asset_status_changed_readable% The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is DD M YYYY H:MM[AM/PM]. 
%asset_status_changed_readabledate% The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is DD-MM-YYYY. 
%asset_status_changed_readabletime% The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is H:MM[AM/PM]. 
%asset_status_changed_relative%  When the Status of the asset was last changed, relative to the current date and time.  
%asset_status_changed_relative-dow%  When the Status of the asset was last changed, relative to the day of the week. 
%asset_status_changed_iso8601%  The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is ISO8601. 
%asset_status_changed_rfc2822%  The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is RFC2822. 
%asset_status_changed_ical%  The date and time that the Status of the asset was last changed. The format that will be used is iCalendar.
%asset_status_changed_by_name%  The name of the user who last changed the Status of the asset. 
%asset_status_changed_by_first_name% First name of the user who last changed the Status of the asset.
 %asset_status_changed_by_last_name% Last name of the user who last changed the Status of the asset.
 %asset_status_changed_by_email% Email of the user who last changed the Status of the asset.
 %asset_status_changed_by_assetid% The asset ID of the user who last changed the Status of the asset.
 %asset_status_changed_by_url% The URL of the user who last changed the Status of the asset.
%asset_status_change_by_thumbnail The related thumbnail of the user who last changed the Status of the asset. This keyword respects the various permutations of the existing asset_thumbnail keywords, outlined below.
%asset_status_colour%  The colour that corresponds to the current Status of the asset. 
%asset_status_description%  The description of the current Status of the asset.
%asset_status_code%  The status code (value) of the current Status of the asset. For example, if the current Status of the asset is Live, this will print 16.


Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_read_permission%  A comma-separated list of the full names for the users who have read access to the asset.
%asset_write_permission%  A comma-separated list of the full names for the users who have write access to the asset. 
%asset_admin_permission%  A comma-separated list of the full names of the users who have admin access to the asset. 
%asset_read_permission_assetid% A comma-separated list of the asset IDs of users who have read access to the asset. 
%asset_write_permission_assetid% A comma-separated list of the asset IDs of users who have write access to the asset.  
%asset_admin_permission_assetid% A comma-separated list of the asset IDs of users who have admin access to the asset.  
%asset_read_permission_email% A comma-separated list of email addresses for the users who have read access to the asset. 
%asset_write_permission_email% A comma-separated list of email addresses for the users who have write access to the asset. 
%asset_admin_permission_email% A comma-separated list of email addresses for the users who have admin access to the asset. 
%asset_read_permission_email_linked% A comma-separated list of linked email addresses for the users who have read access to the asset.
%asset_write_permission_email_linked% A comma-separated list of linked email addresses for the users who have write access to the asset. 
%asset_admin_permission_email_linked% A comma-separated list of linked email addresses for the users who have admin access to the asset.  


Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_role_X%  A comma-separated list of  full names for the users/groups who can perform a Role, where X is the asset ID of the Role.  
%asset_role_X_email%  A comma-separated list of email addresses for the users/groups who can perform a Role, where X is the asset ID of the Role.
%asset_role_X_email_linked% A comma-separated list of linked email addresses for the users/groups who can perform a Role, where X is the asset ID of the Role.


Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_thumbnail%  The thumbnail of an asset. 
%asset_thumbnail_title% The title (friendly name) of the thumbnail of an asset.
%asset_thumbnail_name% The file name of the thumbnail of an asset.
%asset_thumbnail_assetid% The asset ID of the thumbnail of an asset.
%asset_thumbnail_url%  The URL of the thumbnail of an asset. 
%asset_thumbnail_caption%  The caption of the thumbnail of an asset.
%asset_thumbnail_alt%   The alt text of the thumbnail of an asset.
%asset_thumbnail_v_<variety_name>_X% Specified attribute value for an Image Variety of an asset thumbnail, where <variety_name> is the name of the variety and X is the attribute that you want to show. For example, %asset_thumbnail_v_var1_url% will show the URL of the var1 variety.
For more information, refer to the Image and Thumbnail Keyword Replacements.  

Paint Layout

Keyword Replacement Information Shown
%asset_paint_layout_id% The asset ID of the Paint Layout applicable for the asset on the current URL, whether asset-based, URL-based or user-defined.
This keyword can be used in conjunction with the as_asset keyword modifier to expose the properties and attributes of a Paint Layout within an asset's content. For more information, refer to the Keyword Modifiers documentation.


Along with the standard list of keyword replacements you can also use the metadata keyword replacement to display a metadata field value for an asset.

The format of the keyword replacement is:


where <fieldname> is the name of the field in the Metadata Schema. For example, if the name of the field is Description, then the keyword replacement is:


The <fieldname> is case sensitive, so if the field starts with a lower case letter in the Metadata Schema, then the <fieldname> should start with a lower case letter. In other words, if the name of the field is description, then the keyword replacement is:


You can also display the separate Key and Value values of a metadata Select field using the following keyword replacement format:


where <fieldname> is the name of the Select field in the Metadata Schema. For example, if the name of the Select field is course and you want to display the Value of the metadata field value, then the keyword replacement is:


To reference the value of a Metadata Field within another field on the same asset, use the following keyword replacement:


where <fieldname> is the name of the field on the Metadata Schema. For example, if you want to use the value of the image field on your Metadata Schema, the following keyword replacement would be used:


Keyword modifiers can be used on Metadata Field keywords to modify returned field values, including cases where returned field values contain keyword replacements. For example, if we have a 'date' metadata field with the value '%asset_created%', you can use the date_format keyword modifier to configure the format of the returned date format:


You can display frontend metadata in the HTML source code of an asset using the following keyword replacement:


The metadata tags and values, defined in the asset's applied Metadata Schema, will be added to the asset's HTML source view. Please note that the Show On Frontend option must be enabled for a metadata field and its value to be displayed within the HTML source code. For more information, refer to the Metadata Schemas manual.