Publish Static Content Script

Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015

The publish_static_content.php script allows you to the publish the static content of specified assets to a set directory in the system. This script can be set to run at a scheduled time by cron or similar, effectively creating snapshots of your system for later reference.

This script takes the following arguments:

  • The system root
  • The asset IDs of the assets to publish the static content of (comma separated)
  • The directory to publish the static content to
  • --_nocache: whether to publish the _nocache version of the asset

An example of the usage of this script is shown below:

$ php publish_static_content.php [system_root] [asset_ids] [storage_path] [--_nocache]
$ php publish_static_content.php [system_root] 45, 101, 54 home/static_content --_nocache

This script has no restrictions on asset types and is located in the /scripts directory.

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