Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 24 Jul 2016

The following keyword replacements can be used when working with the SugarCRM package:

Keyword Replacement Information shown


This will retrieve the value of the SugarCRM Record ID that is stored against the current user. The <module_name> must be in lowercase. For example, if the Module name in SugarCRM is called "Contacts" then the keyword to get the Record ID stored against the current logged in User would be:
%asset_attribute_sugar_<module_name>_id% This will retrieve the value of the SugarCRM Record ID that is stored against a User asset when used in a Trigger or Asset Listing. The <module_name> must be in lowercase. For example, if the Module name in SugarCRM is called "Contacts" then the keyword to get the Record ID stored against the User would be:
%globals_session_sugar_<module_name>% This session keyword replacement can be used after using the Sync SugarCRM Trigger Action. The keyword will be evaluated against the SugarCRM Record details that have been retrieved from the sync call and the data will be returned in a JSON format. For example, if the Module name in SugarCRM is called "Contacts" then the keyword to get the data against the synced Record would be:
%globals_session_sugar_<module_name>_<attribute>% This session keyword replacement can be used after using the Sync SugarCRM Trigger Action. The keyword will be evaluated against the SugarCRM Record details that have been retrieved from the sync call and will return the value of a specific key/attribute within the JSON data.. For example, if the Module name in SugarCRM is called "Contacts" and you want to get the id attribute from the JSON data, then the keyword would be: