Edit+ Manager

Last Updated: 05 Dec 2016

This entire manual refers to a feature that was added in version

The Edit+ Manager allows you to configure and manage the Edit+ installation of your Matrix system.

You must have the Edit+ packages installed on the system for the Edit+ Manager to function. Please refer to the Edit+ Installation Guide for details on how to install the Edit+.


Details Screen


  • Edit+ Status: This will indicate what version of Edit+ is installed on the system. If you have a valid installation, the status message will appear similar to the below example:

    If you do not have a valid installation, a red error message will appear here instead saying that you don't have Edit+ installed on this Matrix system.
  • Edit+ Configuration: This is the configuration file that Edit+ will use. It will get printed within a <script> tag on the frontend and read by the the Edit+ JavaScript code to initialise several preference and functionality options. See the Configuration Options section on this page for more information about each configuration option.
  • Restore Configuration To Default: Enabling this option and Saving the screen will restore the Edit+ Configuration file and all of its configuration options back to their default values.

Configuration Options

  • debug: Set this option to either true or false to tell the system if it is allowed to perform debugging operations. If this option is set to true, debugging information will be logged to web developer diagnostic tools (e.g. Chrome console tab).
  • titleBar: This text will be shown in the title bar of the browser. The @asset_name@ keyword will be replaced with the name of the current asset being edited.
  • lockRefreshInterval: This option determines how often the system should re-acquire locks for the currently active screen. The default value for this option is 120 seconds, the system default. This should be altered to match the current system's lock refresh interval, if it has been changed.
  • JSAPI:
    • key:  This option allows you to specify the Javascript API Key that Edit+ will use. By default this option is set to the keyword . There is no need to change this value unless you have created a separate Javascript API to be used.
  • baseSiteUrls: This option allows you to set an array of the site URLs that are applied to the Site asset the current page is being edited in. If this is left empty or Edit+ is installed on a site URL that does not match a base site URL, then a domain relative URL will be used. The default configuration option is set to the keyword default . There is no need to change this value unless you have specific reasons to do so.
  • cascadeThreshold: At times, Edit+ will warn editors if they are about to affect a large number of assets in one Save due to cascading such as status changes. This number is determined in this option. A high value will result is less warnings for users but could potentially result in users unwittingly cascading changes across large sections of the system, resulting in failed actions or stale Hipo jobs.
  • overlayTimeout: When the loading animation is presented to an editor, it is generally waiting on a response back from the server. The action the editor is performing may result in a failed request on the server (due to memory exceeding, execution timeouts, database errors etc.). This option sets a timeout (in seconds) after which a warning will be displayed to the editor informing them that their request may have failed. Editors will have the option to continue with the request or cancel the request, which will reload the current asset in the editing interface.
  • defaultMode: This option allows you to specify the default mode to display when Edit+ is loaded. The options available are either edit (Edit Mode) or preview (Preview Mode). By default, this option will be set to edit.
  • defaultScreen: This option allows you to set the default edit screen to display when Edit Mode is loaded. For example, setting this option to content will load the Content screen when Edit Mode is first accessed. By default, this option is set to details (the Details screen).
  • showDifferencesInPreviewMode: When Edit+ is in Preview Mode, an asset that has a Status of Safe Edit can compare its content against the Live version of the asset. This configuration option allows you to enable this comparison automatically when viewing an asset in Preview Mode. By default, this option disabled, meaning that a comparison will not automatically be displayed for Safe Edit assets. Instead, a Compare to Live button will be shown, allowing users to manually enable the content comparison.
  • assetFinderLocations: This option allows you to specify an array of custom asset IDs to be listed as root nodes on the Asset Finder. For more information on this option, refer to the Asset Finder chapter of the Edit+ manual.
  • assetFinderMaxAssets: This option allows you to specify the number of children to display under each asset in the Asset Finder before pagination occurs. By default, this option is set to 50 assets, meaning that only up to 50 assets will be displayed as children of each asset in the Asset Finder. Assets with more than 50 children will provide users with pagination tools to display any remaining children. Setting this field to will remove pagination from the Asset Finder and display all child assets, irrespective of the amount, which can potentially reduce performance of the tool.
  • cacheManagerDefaultExpiry: Certain information in Edit+ is cached to improve performance. This configuration option allows you to set the expiry time (in minutes) for information stored in cache. By default, this option is set to 2 minutes.
  • useThumbnail: This option allows you to enable the Related Image setting on the Details screen of assets. If this option is set to false, the Related Image section will not be displayed and these settings will not be available to users. By default, this option is set to true.
  • allowFutureStatusChange: This option allows you to enable the Future Status settings on the Details screen of assets. If this option is set to false, the Future Status section will not be displayed and these settings will not be available to users. By default, this option is set to true.
  • mandatoryWorkflowLog: If this option is set to false users will not have to fill out the mandatory workflow log message when approving or rejecting assets on the Workflow screen. By default, this option is set to true.
  • showChildrenOnLinkingScreen: This option allows you to enable the Direct Children settings on the Linking screen of assets. If this option is set to false, the Direct Children section will not be displayed and these settings will not be available to users. By default, this option is set to true.
  • contextsEnabled: When Contexts have been set up in your Matrix instance, this option allows you to expose the Context switcher so that you can switch between different Contexts in Edit+.
  • accessibilityStandard: This option allows you to set the default accessibility standards the Accessibility Auditor adheres to. Available options to enter are:
    • 'WCAG2A'
    • 'WCAG2AA'
    • 'WCAG2AAA'
    • 'Section508'
  • markdownEnabled: This option allows you to enable the Markdown Content Type for Content Containers within Edit+. Markdown packages must be installed for this option to function.
  • enableSiteEditing: This option allows you to enable the editing of Site Assets within Edit+. See the Site Asset chapter for more information.
Optional Configuration Options
  • createWizardCategories: This option allows you to customise the categories and asset types that are available to be created using the Asset Creation Wizard. Adding this option will overwrite the default Asset Creation Wizard configuration. For each category, the following options are available:
    • type_code: The asset type code of the asset type to create.
    • interface_type: Which create screen to show when the asset type is selected. Each type presents a different set of options available to the user. Available options are:
      • 'wizard_default' (generic assets)
      • 'wizard_calendar' (events)
      • 'wizard_image' (image assets)
      • 'wizard_file' (generic file assets)
    • display_name: The name you want displayed for the asset type.
    • description: The description you want displayed for the asset type.
    • accept: The allowed file extensions for file type assets. Multiple values can be entered separated by a pipe character |. These need to also be allowed in the Global Preferences.
    • Example:
    • createWizardCategories = {
          'Assets': {
              display_name: 'Assets',
              assets: [
                      type_code:      'page_standard',
                      interface_type: 'wizard_default', 
                      display_name:   'Standard Page',
                      description:    'Use Standard Pages for Manuals pages'
                      type_code:      'image',
                      interface_type: 'wizard_image',
                      display_name:   'Image',
                      description:    'Images restricted to gif, jpg, jpeg and png.',
                      accept:         'jpeg|jpg|png|gif' // Acceptable file extensions
  • createWizardAssetBlackList: This option allows you to specify an array of Asset Type Codes to be removed from the default list in the Asset Creation Wizard.
  • createWizardCategoryBlackList: This option allows you to specify an array of Categories to be removed from the default list in the Asset Creation Wizard. Below are the default Categories and Asset Type Codes that can be used for both blacklist options.
  • CategoryAsset Type Codes
    Pages page_standard, news_item, page_custom_form
    Events calendar_event_single, calendar_event_recurring
    Files bulk_upload, image, pdf_file, word_doc, excel_doc, powerpoint_doc, rtf_file, text_file, mp3_file, flv_file, video_file, file
    Other folder, page_redirect, link, data_record  
  • paintLayouts: This option allows you to specify an array of objects that are used as options in the Paint Layouts dropdown within the Additional Options of Nested Content Containers. The objects must specify the Paint Layout asset ID and a name that will be used as the option name in the dropdown, for example:  [{ id: XXXX, name: "Paint Layout Name" }].
  • analyticsViewId: This option allows you to specify the Google Analytics View asset ID to be used as the source for the Analytics screen. For more information please visit the Google Analytics chapter in the Edit+ manual.


This section allows you to put restrictions on the JavaScript API that the Edit+ interface is using and are based on the restrictions available on the JavaScript API asset. Please refer to the JavaScript API manual for more information on what these restrictions do.

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