Trigger Conditions
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2018
Listed below are the available Trigger conditions that can be used. For more information about how to create a Trigger, refer to the Adding and Maintaining Triggers chapter in this manual.
Access Permission
This condition allows you to check whether or not the current user has the specified permission on the asset that fired the event. For example, you could check whether or not the current user had Write Permission to an asset. If they do, then the action(s) specified will be performed.
Select has or does not have from the first list provided and either Read Permission, Write Permission or Admin Permission from the second list provided.
Asset ID
This condition allows you to check the ID of the asset that fired the event. For example, if you only want to perform the action(s) specified on the Home page, select the Home page in this condition. The fields that are available for this condition are shown in the figure below.
Asset is tagged
This condition allows you to check what Thesaurus Terms the asset that fired the event has been tagged with. If the asset has been tagged with these terms, the action(s) specified will be performed.
In the list provided, specify whether the asset has to have Some of the terms tagged on it or All of the terms tagged. In the second field, add the Thesaurus Term the asset must be tagged with. To add additional terms to the list click the More... button. An additional field will appear on the screen. This condition can only be used once per Trigger.
Asset is of type
This condition allows you to check the type of asset that fired the event. If it matches, the action(s)specified will be performed. For example, if you only want to perform the action for Standard Pages, select this asset type.
Select the asset type from the list provided.
Attribute Changed
This condition allows you to check that a particular attribute value has changed for the asset that fired the event. For example, you can check that the name of a Standard Page has changed. If this is true, the action(s) specified will be performed. Please note that when using this condition, for the Trigger to work the Asset Attributes Changed event must be selected.
Select the type of asset from the first list provided and click Commit. The list of attributes will be updated. Select the attribute to check in the second list.
Attribute Value
This condition allows you to check whether or not a particular attribute value is equal to a specific value.
Select the type of asset from the first list provided and click Commit. The list of attributes will be updated. Select the attribute from the second list and select either equals or does not equal in the third list. In the box provided, enter the value that the attribute value must or must not be.
Interface Mode
This condition allows you to check which interface the user is using. For example, you can check that the user is using the Simple Edit Interface as opposed to the Administration Interface.
The options available are as follows:
- Frontend Interface: this will check that the user is viewing the web site.
- Backend Interface: this will check that the user is using the Administration Interface.
- Simple Edit Interface: this will check that the user is using the Simple Edit Interface.
- Login Interface: this will check that the user is viewing the Squiz Matrix login box.
- Cron Scripts: this will check that a cron job is being run.
Keyword Value
This condition will check against a keyword value on the firing asset. For example, if you set this condition to check the asset_name keyword as a Partial Match with the value News, the condition will be met if the asset name of the firing asset contains the value News (e.g. Latest News or Newspaper ).
To set this condition, enter a keyword replacement in the keyword field, select the match type - either Partial Match, Exact Match or Regex Match - and enter the value to match against.
Keyword Value - Group & Condition Matching
This condition allows you to create groups of conditions using advanced keyword logic matching, to evaluate whether or not your conditions are met.
The Keyword Value - Group & Condition Matching condition
In the Group Logic field, specify the logic for determining if the trigger condition will be evaluated as true or not. The options available are: all groups are matched or at least 1 group is matched.
In the Group section, specify the logic for determining if the condition group is evaluated as true or not; either if all conditions are matched or at least 1 condition is matched. This section also allows you to set the conditions for the group, specifying the Keyword to check and the Pattern to match against. Regular expressions and global keywords are supported when setting the patterns of your conditions.
You can add additional conditions to a group by clicking the Add Condition button. To remove a condition from a group, click the Delete icon for the corresponding condition.
You can add additional groups to the trigger condition by clicking the Add Group button. To remove a group, click the Delete icon for the corresponding group.
Has a Child / Parent
This condition allows you to check that the asset that fired the event has a parent or child asset of a particular type or is a parent or child asset of a particular asset. For example, you can check that the asset that fired the event is a child of a particular Site in your system. If the asset is a child of the Site, the action(s) specified will be performed. Alternatively, you can use the advanced options to check the link type, whether or not it is a dependant asset and whether or not its an exclusive asset for either a parent or child of the asset that fired the event.
The following fields are available.
- has a: select to check either the Parent or Child asset from the list provided.
- of type: to check the asset type of either the parent or child, select this option and choose the type from the list provided.
- with id: to check that the asset has a specific parent asset or child asset (for example it is a child of the Home page), select this option and choose the asset in the field provided.
- use only advanced link parameters: select this option if you only want to use the fields in the Optional items for Advanced users.
- Match only the triggering link: select this option to only match the newly created link. This option is only available for the Link Created and Link Deleted event.
- Optional items for Advanced users: the following options are available for advanced users.
- Link Type: select whether or not to check the type of link the parent or child asset should be from the list provided. The options available include TYPE_1, TYPE_2, TYPE_3 and Notice.
- Is Dependant?: select whether or not to check that the parent or child asset is a dependant asset.
- Is Exclusive?: select whether or not to check that the parent or child asset is an exclusive asset, which is an asset that is linked to only one asset.
- Value: this option is used for custom development.
Metadata Field Updated
This condition allows you to check whether or not a metadata field for an asset has been updated.
Select the metadata field that will be checked for updates.
Metadata Set
This condition allows you to check whether or not metadata has been set for a metadata field of an asset.
Select the metadata field that will be checked for a set value. This condition will not be met if the value of the selected metadata field is empty or set to the field's default value.
Metadata Time
This condition allows you to check whether or not an asset has "expired".
Select which metadata date field to check the time against. When the Metadata Triggers Scheduled Job is run, it will check its time against the time that is entered into this metadata field for an asset. If the time in which the Scheduled Job runs, is after the time set in the metadata field, that metadata date field will be considered as "expired".
This condition will not fire on assets using a default metadata date value. If you would like this condition to apply to these assets, you can create an additional Trigger to set the metadata value to the default date, using the format: Y-m-d H:i:s.
This condition can only be used in conjunction with the Metadata Time Trigger Event and will not evaluate as true when a Trigger Batch process is run.
Metadata Value
This condition allows you to check a value that has been entered into a metadata field for an asset.
In the first field select a text, select or thesaurus metadata field, select Exact Match or Partial Match in the second field and enter the value to compare to in the third field.
Request Method
This condition allows you to check the type of HTTP request that caused the Trigger to fire.
Select either GET, POST, PUT or DELETE from the list provided.
REST Response
This condition allows you to check the response of a REST Resource on the Squiz Matrix system (i.e. a REST Resource asset or Call REST Resource trigger action etc.).
To set this condition, you must configure the condition rule against which the REST response will be checked. You can choose to check against any or all of the request URLs, http codes or response bodycopies on the REST response using either a match, contains, is/are greater than, is/are less than or match the regex condition. In the input field, enter the value to check against and configure the settings of the condition.
Asset Status
This condition allows you to check the Status of the asset that fired the event. If the Status of the asset matches, the action(s) specified will be performed.
Select the Status that the asset must be, from the list provided.
Asset Status Being Changed To
This condition allows you to check the Status that the asset that fired the event is being changed to. For example, you can evaluate if the asset's Status is being changed to Under Construction; If so, the action(s) configured on the Trigger will be performed.
This condition will only work in conjunction with the Status Changed and Before Status Changed events.
In the Status of the (firing) Asset is being changed to field, select one of more statuses.
Tree Location
This condition allows you to check the location of the asset that fired in the event in the Asset Map. If the asset is in the correct location, the action(s) specified will be performed.
Select one or more parent assets for the location (for example, the Site) in the field provided.
URL matches
This condition allows you to check whether or not the URL of the asset that fired the event contains a particular string. For example, you can check that the URL of the asset contains If that pattern is part of the URL, the action(s) specified will be performed.
Enter the string to check within the field provided, for example, and select either Must be in URL or Must not be in URL.
Current user is an LDAP user
This condition allows you to check whether or not the user that fired the event is an LDAP user. This condition will match against any LDAP user types, including Simple Edit LDAP Users, Backend LDAP Users and regular LDAP Users. For example, if the user that is currently logged in is an LDAP user, the action(s) specified will be performed.
Current user is a public user
This condition allows you to check whether or not the user that fired the event is a public user. For example, if the user is not logged in to the system, the action(s) specified will be performed.
Current user is a system administrator
This condition allows you to check whether or not the user that fired the event is a System Administrator. For example, if the user that is currently logged in is a System Administrator, the action(s) specified will be performed.