User Account Types
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2017
There are six different user accounts available in Squiz Matrix:
Root User
There is only one Root User account within a Squiz Matrix system. It is stored under the System Administrators folder within the System Management section of the Asset Map.
The Root User has the highest level of access within the system and can view and modify all fields and screens within Squiz Matrix. Even if you tried to deny the Root User permission to any asset in the system, Matrix will ignore it and still allow the Root User to view and edit the asset.
Root Users Group
The Root User is located under the Root Users Group and cannot be moved outside of this group. You can give other System Administrator users root access to the Matrix system as well by moving/linking them into the Root Users Group. This can only be done by a user with root level access. User Groups or LDAP Users cannot be moved under the Root Users Group.
It is recommended to always move at least 1 System Administrator account into the Root Users Group and then disable the Root User login all together. For more information on how to disabled the Root User, refer to the Annotated chapter in the Server Administrator manual.
System Administrator
A System Administrator can only be created by the Root User and must be stored in the System Administrators folder within the System Management section of the Asset Map, as highlighted in the figure to the right. If they are not stored within this folder, Squiz Matrix will not consider them to be a System Administrator.
A System Administrator can view and modify most fields and screens within Squiz Matrix. They are automatically given Admin Permission to all assets within a Site but they cannot edit all fields and screens within System Configuration and System Management.
You can create as many System Administrators as you want within your system.
Tip: You can link a User Group under the System Administrator folder to assign all users within the group as System Administrators.
Backend User
By default, a Backend User can only be created by a System Administrator or the Root User. Backend User accounts should be stored in a User Group under the Users Folder (for more information about User Groups, refer to the User Group chapter in this manual). To be able to access Squiz Matrix to edit the Site, a user needs to at least be given a Backend User account.
Tip: If you want a Backend User to create other Backend User accounts, grant them Write Permission to that Users Folder.
A Backend User will be able to log into both the Simple Edit and Administration Interface but they will not be able to edit assets within the Site until they have been granted permissions. To be able to view the asset, a Backend User needs to have Read Permission and to edit an asset they need to have Write Permission. A Backend User can also be given Admin Permission to an asset. This means that they are trusted enough to be an administrator of this asset but they are not a System Administrator. For more information on permissions, refer to the Permissions chapter in this manual.
You can create as many Backend Users accounts as you want within your system.
Simple Edit User
A Simple Edit User is used for a person who can only edit the content of the site within the Simple Edit Interface. Like a Backend User, a Simple Edit User will not be able to edit assets within the Site until they have been granted permissions. To be able to view an asset, a Simple Edit User needs to have Read Permission and to edit an asset they need to have Write Permission. The main difference between a Backend User and a Simple Edit User is that a Simple Edit User can only log into the Simple Edit Interface where as a Backend User can log into both interfaces.
A User account is used for a public user who has a member status within your Site. For example, if you have a member's section in your Site, a person would need a User account to be able to access it. A User does not have access to either the Simple Edit or Administration Interface within Squiz Matrix.
A User account can only be created by a Backend User, System Administrator or the Root User and should be stored in a User Group under the Users Folder. In order to view an asset, you need to grant a User Read Permission to the asset. You can create as many User accounts as you want within your system.
Tip: To allow a Public User to create their own User account and maintain their account details within your Site, you can create an Account Manager page. For more information on the Account Manager page, refer to the Other CMS Assets manual.
Public User
A Public user account
By default, a Public User is created within Squiz Matrix and is stored under the Users Folder in the Asset Map, as highlighted in the figure to the right.
A PublicUser has no access to either the Simple Edit or Administration Interface within Squiz Matrix. They can only view the content on your LiveSite. In order for them to be able to view an asset, you need to grant the Public User Read Permission to the asset.