Matrix SQL Client

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2020

The matrixsqlclient.php script initiates an interactive database terminal in PHP to run commands against the Matrix database.

This can be used as an alternative to the native PostgreSQL psql and Oracle SQL*Plus clients.

This script is located in the /scripts directory and requires only one parameter, the system root.

An example usage of this script is shown below:

$ php matrixsqlclient.php [system_root]
Welcome to matrixsqlclient (version 1.01, r108), the interactive database terminal in PHP.

You are now connected.
Database type: oci.

localhost/matrix=# select * from sq_ast_attr_val where assetid = '7';
 assetid | attrid | contextid | custom_val | use_default  
 7       | 672    | 0         | Public     | 1            
 7       | 676    | 0         | User       | 1            
(2 rows)

localhost/matrix=# \timing
Timing is on
localhost/matrix=# select count(*) from sq_internal_msg:
 count (*)
(1 row)

Time:  2329.879 ms

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