HIPO Herder
Last Updated: 30 Jun 2020
A HIPO (or a Highly Intensive Processing Object) Job is a process that starts every time a task is performed by a user where operations need to be performed on multiple objects to complete that task. For example, changing the Status of a Site to Live and choosing to cascade that Status down the hierarchy of the Site would require Squiz Matrix to perform the task on multiple assets.
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The HIPO Herder allows you to manage your HIPO Jobs and can be accessed by clicking the icon, located on the top right hand corner
of the screen. The HIPO Herder screen is shown in the figure below.
The HIPO Herder screen
For each HIPO Job that is currently running, the following fields are shown:
- Resume: if a HIPO Job is stalled, you can resume the job by clicking on either the
icon. When you click on the
icon, the HIPO Job will resume in a new window. HIPO Jobs may stall because you have accidentally closed the window or your connection to the system has timed out.
- Job Type: this fields shows the type of HIPO Jobs that are currently running as well as child jobs and their types. For example, in the figure above, there is a HIPO Job Create Links job currently running. This job has a child HIPO Job of Hipo Job Update Lookups also running.
- Owner: this field shows the name of the person who started the HIPO process and is only shown for the parent process. For example, in the figure above, the Root User started the HIPO Job Create Links job.
Tip: A Backend User can only see their own HIPO Jobs while a System Administrator or Root User can see all HIPO Jobs.
- Last Updated: this field shows the last time the HIPO Job updated its Percent Complete field. For example, in the figure above, the HIPO Job Create Links and HIPO Job Update Lookups jobs last updated their Percent Complete fields 1 minute and 6 seconds ago.
- Percent Complete: this field shows the percentage of the job that is completed. For example, in the figure above, the HIPO Job Create Links is 20% complete and HIPO Job Update Lookups is 0% complete.
- Delete: if you want to delete the HIPO Job, check this box and click on the Commit button. This field is only available for the parent process.
HIPO Job Errors
A HIPO Job can stall while performing a task for many different reasons. This may be because you have accidentally closed the window or your connection to the system has timed out. If you try and perform the task again you will get an error similar to A HIPO Job with this code name is currently run by Root User.
This error will appear in either a pop-up or in a yellow box in the editing interface. If this happens you need to either resume the HIPO Job or delete it. To do this, go to the HIPO Herder screen by clicking on the icon located on the top right hand corner of the screen. To resume the HIPO Job, click the
icon or to delete the job,
click the Delete box and click Commit.
Stalled HIPO Jobs Reminder
If you have a HIPO Job within the system that has been stalled for longer than 5 minutes, a pop-up message will appear, as shown in the figure below.
The Stalled HIPO job(s) reminder message
If this happens you need to either resume the HIPO Job or delete it. To do this, go to the HIPO Herder screen by clicking on the icon located on the top right hand corner of the
screen. To resume the HIPO Job, click the
icon or to delete the job, click the Delete box and click Commit.
Stalled HIPO Process Screen
When you log out of the system, if you have any stalled HIPO Jobs the Stalled HIPO Process screen will appear, as shown in the figure below.
The Stalled HIPO Process screen
If this happens, you can choose to either proceed to the HIPO Herder screen by clicking on the HIPO Herder button or continue logging out of the system by clicking the Logout button. If you click on the HIPO Herder button, you will be taken to the HIPO Herder screen where you can either resume the HIPO Job
or delete it. To resume the HIPO Job, click the icon or to delete the job, click the Delete box and click Commit.