Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016

This chapter outlines the keyword replacements that can be used for a Simple Edit Layout within Squiz Matrix.

Bookmarks to the headings on this page:

  1. Simple Edit Layout

Simple Edit Layout

The following keyword replacements can be used on a Simple Edit Layout.

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%screen_menu% This will show the list of screen the user can access for the asset in the Simple Edit Interface. If you have created different Simple Edit Layouts for each screen, then you need to include this keyword replacement so the user can navigate between them.
%commit_button% This will show the Commit button on the screen. This keyword replacement needs to be included otherwise the user will not be able to save their changes.
%commit_button_clean% This is the same as the %commit_button% keyword replacement but it will only show the button without any formatting.
%release_locks_button% This will show the Release Lock(s) button on the screen. This will allow the user to release the locks on the page once they have finished editing it.
%details-S_<section>% This will print an entire section for the specified <section> value from the details screen of the asset. eg. %details-S_status% 
%metadata-F_metadata_values% This will print all of the metadata schemas, sections, and fields of the asset.
%metadata-F_section_<metadata section id>_values% This will print a specific metadata section and all of its input fields of the asset, where <metadata section id> is the asset ID of the metadata section.
%details-F_<attribute>% This will print an input field for the specified <attribute> value from the details screen of the asset. eg. %details-F_name% 
%details-id_F_<attribute>% This will print the id of the above %details-F_<attribute>% field html entity. eg. %details-id_F_name%. This is useful if you want to print a custom label for a field, for example:
<label for="%details-id_F_name%">Name:</label>
%metadata-F_<asset_id>% This will print an input field for the metadata field selected via the entered asset_id. eg. %metadata-F_1234%
%metadata-id_F_<asset_id>% This will print the input id of the above %metadata-F_<asset_id>% field html entity. eg.
<input id="%metadata-id_F_1234%" type="text"/>

The following keyword replacements can be used when the Simple Edit Layout is used in a Content Container Template.

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%edit_asset_<asset_property>% This asset keyword targets the current asset being edited, that is the asset you initially edit via /_edit URL or /_admin URL. eg. %edit_asset_name%