Messages Screen

Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015

The Messages screen allows you to customise the error and binary file messages that appear on the page.

Bookmarks to the headings on this page:

  1. Unavailable Content
  2. Binary Files

Unavailable Content

This section allows you specify the error message that will be displayed when the external URL is unavailable.

The Unavailable Content section of the Messages screen
The Unavailable Content section of the Messages screen

The fields that are available in this section are as follows.

  • Display Error Message: select whether or not to show the error message. By default, this is set to Yes.
  • Error Message: to edit the default error message click on the edit icon icon. The WYSIWYG Editor will appear as shown in the figure below.

    The WYSIWYG Editor for the Error Messages field
    WYSIWYG Editor for the Error Message field

    Edit the error message and click Commit.

Binary Files

This section allows you specify the error message that will be displayed if the remote content is a binary file.

The Binary Files section of the Messages screen
The Binary Files section of the Messages screen

Binary files cannot be displayed within a Remote Content asset. To edit the default error message, click on the edit icon icon. The WYSIWYG Editor will appear as shown in the figure below.

The WYSIWYG Editor for the Binary Files field
WYSIWYG Editor for the Binary Files field

Edit the error message and click Commit. You can use the keyword replacement to display the URL within the error message.

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