Google Analytics Connector

Last Updated: 28 Jun 2023

This entire manual refers to a feature that was added in version 5.1.0

The Google Analytics Connector asset allows you to create a connection with a Google Analytics application to retrieve and manage the analytics data of your sites.

As of July 1st, 2023, the Google Analytics Connector and Google Analytics View in Matrix 5 Edit+ will no longer be compatible with or support Google Universal Analytics (UA). This is due to the announcement by Google that its next-generation analytics platform, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), will replace the Universal Analytics (UA) properties on July 1, 2023.

Bookmarks to the headings on this page:

  1. Details Screen

Once created, you can configure the settings of the Google Analytics Connector on its associated asset screens. These screens are often the same or similar to those for a Standard Page and are described in the Asset Screens manual. In this chapter, we will describe the Details screen, which is different for the Google Analytics Connector asset.

Details Screen

The Details screen for the Google Analytics Connector asset allows you to set up the connection to your Google Analytics application and retrieve data from your Analytics account.

For more information about the Status, Future Status, Thumbnail and Details sections of this screen, refer to the Details chapter in the Asset Screens manual.

OAuth Settings

The OAuth Settings section of the Details screen allows you to specify the OAuth 2.0 credentials to access your Google Analytics data.

The fields available are as follows:

  • Client ID: enter the client identifier provided to you by Google. This field is compulsory.
  • Client Secret: enter the client secret provided to you by Google. This field is compulsory.
  • Access Token: once you have entered the OAuth 2.0 credentials in the above fields and clicked Commit, the details of the OAuth2 token will be displayed in this field. These details include the token string, the date of expiry and the refresh token, if one is available.

After authorisation is completed the Google Account email will be shown on the page above the fields just listed.


The Views section displays the Google Analytics Views that are available for use on the Google Analytics Connector.

Once you have configured the OAuth 2.0 credentials and created a connection to your Google API, a list of the available views will be displayed in the Available Views section.

To create a new view, select the view you want to create from the list of available views in the Create New View Asset field and enter a name for the view in the View Asset Name field. Click commit.

The view will be created in your system as a child asset of the Google Analytics Connector, as shown in the figure to the right.

For more information on the view asset and the analytics data available, refer to the Google Analytics View chapter in this manual.

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