SugarCRM Token

Last Updated: 17 Apr 2017

This entire manual refers to a feature that was added in version

The SugarCRM Token asset allows you to integrate with a SugarCRM system, allowing your Squiz Matrix system to easily utilise the SugarCRM REST API and sync Matrix users to SugarCRM records.

Once your SugarCRM Token asset is created, you can configure its settings on its associated asset screens.

In this chapter we will describe the Details screen of the SugarCRM Token. The Details screen allows you to configure the settings to establish the connection to your SugarCRM system.


Details Screen

Authentication Settings

The Authentication Settings section of the Details screen allows you to configure the connection to the SugarCRM system.

The fields available are as follows:

  • API Version: this field displays which version of the Sugar API the SugarCRM Token asset is compatible with. For more information, refer to the API Versioning documentation on the SugarCRM site.
  • SugarCRM Host URL: enter the URL of your SugarCRM system.
  • Username: enter the username of the user used to authenticate to the SugarCRM system.
  • Password: enter the password of the user used to authenticate to the SugarCRM system. Please note that you will need to confirm your password by entering it again in the second text field available.

It is recommended that you use a dedicated integration user in SugarCRM for the authentication credentials. This should be a user that doesn't need to login to the SugarCRM admin interface and is used specifically for Squiz Matrix integration.

  • Client ID: the value used to identify the client. By default, this ID will be: sugar. A client ID of sugar will automatically create an OAuth Key in the system that is used for password authentication. Additional client_ids can be created in the SugarCRM    system by an administrator. Please note that the SugarCRM Token asset only supports 'password' authentication grant type.
  • Client Secret: enter the client secret to validate against the client ID. This field is optional.
  • Platform: the platform ID. By default, this ID will be: squizmatrix. This field is available to prevent accidental login clashes in the case of other systems or users logging into the same SugarCRM system using the same authentication credentials.
  • Test Authentication: enable this field to test the API authentication on the access token. When this field is enabled and you Commit the screen, Matrix will send a 'ping' API request to the SugarCRM system with the stored access token and expect a 'pong' response. The access token will    be automatically renewed upon expiration. The test will fail if the token is revoked or invalidated for any reason.

Access Token

The Access Token section of the Details screen displays the details of the access token that is currently being stored.

The details of the access token will be displayed in the Access Token field, including the token string, the date of expiry and whether or not a refresh token is available.

The fields available are as follows:

  • Request New Token: enable this setting to request a new access token the next time you Commit the screen.
  • Access Token: this table displays the information relating to the current access token that is stored for the asset. The values displayed in this table include:    
    • Access Token: the current Access Token value stored against the asset.
    • Expires At: the date and time of when the current Access Token will expire.
    • Refresh Token: the current Refresh Token value stored against the asset. This will be used to retrieve a new Access Token once the Access Token is expired.
    • Refresh Token Expires At: the date and time of when the current Refresh Token will expire.
    • Download Token: the current Download Token value stored against the asset. The Download Token is used to download images and files from SugarCRM, however it is not currently used by the Squiz Matrix SugarCRM package for any specific features.

For more information regarding the SugarCRM API, please refer to the official developer documentation on the SugarCRM website.

There is also a handy beginners guide on learning how to use the SugarCRM REST API.