This version of Squiz Matrix drops support for PHP 5.4, 5.6, and 7.1 and makes the minimum required version of PHP 7.3.

New features

Content API

Version adds support for a brand new Content API feature for Squiz Matrix, which can be installed as a Matrix package.

This new package simplifies integration with Squiz Matrix as a headless CMS. It can be completely decoupled which means you do not need to create and configure asset listings and design assets prior to adding content.

The Content API lets you extract content out of Matrix in JSON data format using REST API endpoints.

Using an asset ID or URL, the API endpoints allow you to retrieve the following information:

  • Get data from a single asset.
  • Get the site lineage of an asset.
  • Get the direct children of an asset.

Swagger-based technical documentation is also available within the API package.

The Content API extension for Squiz Matrix will soon be available in the Squiz Marketplace to Squiz customers.

More endpoints and enhancements for the Content API are also planned in upcoming versions of this extension.


Persona logic controls for content containers


Evaluation logic controls are now available when assigning personas to content containers.

This allows you to have more control over when a specific content container is shown based on the personas that are assigned. You can choose how personas are evaluated for the content container using the Persona Evaluation Logic field.

In addition to the enhanced logic controls, Matrix also automatically outputs content containers with client-side personas inside <template> tags. This lets you write JavaScript that can show and hide content based on the personas and evaluation logic applied.

    <div id="aus_content_138199">
        <p>Australian content</p>

Workflow bypass for Admin users


Admin users can now bypass workflow processes without having to remove workflow schemas from assets.

This feature is great for page admins who need to quickly make changes to a page without needing to go through a full workflow process to get the change through.

This new setting is called Allow Admin Users to Bypass Workflow and can be found on the details screen of the workflow schema asset.

Admin and Edit+ performance improvement


Admin and Edit+ UI performance has been improved wherever the asset location (binoculars) function is available.

The way that Matrix generates the link for this button has been optimised which improves the rendering performance of screens with several asset locators on the screen.

For example, a content screen with many content templates that uses several asset picker components now loads faster as a result of this improvement.

Bug fixes

  • #1212 - Consistently use IntlDateFormatter for abbreviated months
  • #1369 - JS API createLink cascades permissions/workflow/metadata even if the created link is a NOTICE link
  • #1415 - Some trigger conditions are still active even when they are disabled
  • #1473 - Multiple user group snippet root node preferences fail to merge
  • #1537 - OAuth 2.0 Token - Two-Legged asset does not generate token with scope set on request parameters list
  • #1538 - Calendar Event asset will reset end date time value when changing the status to safe edit
  • #1593 - Asset Map fails to paginate shadow assets after saving the System Configuration screen
  • #1611 - Cannot create or edit Custom Form's "Selective Emails Rules" option


  • #741 - Import Tools Manager - Bulk File Import Settings removal
  • #1188 - Word Import Tool Converter asset removal
  • PHP 5.4, 5.6, 7.1 support