New Features & Enhancements
Editable Required Field Note on Custom Forms in Edit+
#11913 - idea by Damian Dąbrowa
The Required Field Mark and Required Field Note settings on a Custom Form asset are now editable in Edit+. Previously you were only able to edit these values in Admin Mode.
Customisable File Name for Export Assets to XML Files
The Export Assets to XML tool now lets you customise the filename of the resulting .tgz
file that gets generated from the export process. Previously this file was always being named export-1234.tgz
, where 1234
was the asset ID of the export root node. This often made it hard to differentiate multiple export files if you didn't manually rename the files after download.
There is now a Export File Name text field on this screen that lets you customise the filename of the export file and it also supports the use of asset keywords.
The default value will use the first export root node asset's name and ID as the filename. The name will also automatically become filename friendly, meaning things like spaces will be replaced with dashes.
Code Editor for Markdown Content Containers
Markdown Content Containers will now use the Ace Code Editor for editing the content within them.
Previously these were simply using a standard <textarea>
field which made it quite hard to edit.
In read-only mode, you can also switch between code and preview view to see what HTML the markdown code has generated.
Simpler Backend Locale Support for Edit+
Switching to a different backend locale for Edit+ is now a bit easier. When you switch the Default Backend Locale setting on the System Configuration screen to another supported and translated language, Edit+ will automatically include the additional required JS translation file when using the Edit+ Design Area in the Design file.
As per idea #12021 , the <html>
tag produced in both Admin Mode and Edit+ interfaces will also include the relevant lang=""
attribute to help tell your browser that the content is rendered for a specific language. For example, when switching to Polish, this attribute will be set to <html lang="pl-PL">
Other Features & Enhancements
- #11919 - Configure an EditorConfig file
- #11940 - Update Viper to the latest version for
- #11992 - Increase default value for redis reconnect interval
- #11997 - Replace our custom port of the PHP css minifier script with an official packaged version
- #12021 - Insert lang attribute in html tag when using a different backend language
Bug Fixes
- #11367 - Corrupted HIPO jobs result in a blank header frame in _admin
- #11885 - Creating asset in non-default context confusingly bounces the user back to asset create screen
- #11915 - Constrain asset map to be smaller than window size
- #11935 - Prevent root folder from being linked under anything
- #11942 - Custom form question keywords with modifiers don't get remapped on XML import/export
- #11951 - Page scrolls to the top when hitting cmd+c / ctrl+c (Copy tex) on a WYSIWYG container in Admin
- #11952 - Assign User to Groups trigger action sets user_is_root/user_is_sys_admin session flags incorrectly
- #11955 - Undefined index sort_order when using asset_sibling_ keywords on Site Index page
- #11968 - Make "Image is decorative" option turned on by default for insert image tool in the WYSIWYG
- #11970 - Matrix warning message is thrown when trying to create a standard page under site asset on different context when conditions are used
- #11979 - Editing the AM/PM time part of an event in Edit+ doesn't always update the event date and time details properly
- #11990 - %workflow_user% & %log_message% showing wrong content when Approve and Make Live selected from Workflow Screen
- #11994 - CSS File Folder minifier removes required space in @media queries
- #12002 - Problem in changing multiple status when processing status change in web mode with Hipo.
- #12009 - Cloning an asset that has been contextualised, doesn't indicate contextualised state
- #12011 - Trying to delete a context that has a ' in the name throws JS error
- #12013 - Permission issue when changing the status of a page to Safe Edit with workflow schema applied on the Page.
- #12016 - Export and Import XML of a design doesn't properly generate menu design areas
- #12023 - The Online quiz (interactive mode) keywords and submissions have issues when deja vu is enabled
- #12033 - Typo in Asset Builder's permission error message