This chapter outlines the keyword replacements that can be used on the assets available in the CMS package within Squiz Matrix.
Account Manager Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on the Account Manager Page.
Validation Email
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the URL the user must click to verify their account. This keyword replacement needs to be included within the Body of the email otherwise the user cannot verify their account.
This will show the value the user entered into the First Name field when they created their user account.
This will show the value the user entered into the Last Name field when they created their user account.
This will show the value the user entered into the Email field when they created their user account.
This will show the value the user entered into the Username field when they created their user account.
Not Logged In Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the Login Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the login form with a username and password field.
This will show the username field.
This will show the password field.
This will show the Submit button.
This will show the Login Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Create Account Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the user can create their user account.
This will show the Create Account Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Send Validation Success message that has been defined on the Messages screen. You should include this keyword replacement if you are using email validation.
This will show the form that will allow the user to resend the validation email to themselves. You should include this keyword replacement if you are using email validation.
This will show the Send Validation Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen. You should include this keyword replacement if you are using email validation.
Created but not live; Created, live; Created, awaiting validation; and Validated Bodycopies
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the ID of the user account that has been created.
This will show the first and last name of the user account that was created.
This will show the first and last name of the user account that was created.
This will show the URL of the user account that has been created.
This will show the URL of the user account that will take the user to the Simple Edit Interface.
This will show the URL of the user account that will take the user to the Administration Interface.
This will show the Create Account Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the users can create their user account.
This will show the Create Account Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form that will allow the user to resend the validation email to themselves. You should include this keyword replacement if you are using email validation.
Logged In Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the Create Account Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen. You should include this keyword replacement if you have set Enter Simple Edit mode to No.
This will show the form where the user can create their user account. You should include this keyword replacement if you have set Enter Simple Edit mode to No.
This will show the Create Account Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen. You should include this keyword replacement if you have set Enter Simple Edit mode to No.
This will show the Edit Your Details Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the user can edit their account details.
This will show the Edit Your Details Success message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Edit Your Details Lock Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show a button that allows the user to logout of the Site. |
Asset Builder Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on an Asset Builder Page.
Not Logged In Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the Login Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the login form with a username and password field.
This will show the username field.
This will show the password field.
This will show the Submit button.
This will show the Login Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Create Asset Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the users can create the assets.
This will show the Create Asset Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Edit Asset Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the users can edit the assets.
This will show the Edit Asset Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Edit Asset Success message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the CAPTCHA fields on the form.
This will show the image for the CAPTCHA field.
This will show the input field for the CAPTCHA field.
This will show the link so the user can regenerate the CAPTCHA field.
This will display the Mollom CAPTCHA fields on the form. This includes the CAPTCHA image, input field and regeneration link.
This will display the Mollom image CAPTCHA field.
This will display the Mollom audio CAPTCHA field.
This will display the input field for the Mollom CAPTCHA.
This will display the link for users to regenerate the image and/or audio CAPTCHA fields.
Logged In Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the Create Asset Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the users can create the assets.
This will show the Create Asset Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Edit Asset Invite message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the form where the users can edit the assets.
This will show the Edit Asset Error message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the Edit Asset Success message that has been defined on the Messages screen.
This will show the CAPTCHA fields on the form.
This will show the image for the CAPTCHA field.
This will show the input field for the CAPTCHA field.
This will show the link so the user can regenerate the CAPTCHA field.
This will display the Mollom CAPTCHA fields on the form. This includes the CAPTCHA image, input field and regeneration link.
This will display the Mollom image CAPTCHA field.
This will display the Mollom audio CAPTCHA field.m
This will display the input field for the Mollom CAPTCHA.
This will display the link for users to regenerate the image and/or audio CAPTCHA fields.
Created Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the ID of the asset that has been created.
This will show the name of the asset that has been created.
This will show the short name of the asset that has been created.
This will show the URL of the asset that has been created.
This will show the URL of the asset that will take the user to the Simple Edit Interface.
This will show the URL of the asset that will take the user into the Administration Interface.
Keyword Replacement for Metadata Fields on the Layout Asset
Within a Layout asset for the Asset Builder Page you can change the layout of the metadata fields by using the metadata field keyword replacement. This keyword replacement has the following format (where <fieldid> is the asset ID of the metadata field:
You can also print the id of the above metadata field html entity by using:
Link Manager Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on the Link Manager Page.
Default Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%linked_asset_selection% | This will show a check box for the asset in the list. The user can select this box if they want to link the asset under it. |
Page Contents, Page Contents (No Results) and Page Contents (Not Logged In) Bodycopies
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%asset_listing% | This will show the list of assets. If you do not include this keyword replacement, the list will not appear on the page. |
%linked_check_all% | This will show a check box. When the user selects this box, all assets in the list will be selected. The managed asset will then be linked under all assets in the list. |
%error_messages_list% | This will show any error messages that may occur when the user attempts to link an asset. |
%success_messages_list% | This will show the messages that occur when the user successful links an asset. |
%managed_asset_asset_assetid% | This will show the asset ID of the asset that is being linked. |
%managed_asset_asset_name% | This will show the name of the asset that is being linked. |
%managed_asset_asset_type% | This will show the asset type of the asset that is being linked. |
%managed_asset_asset_short_name% | This will show the short name of the asset that is being linked. |
Please note, a number of other keyword replacements appear in the list on each of these Bodycopies. For more information about the keyword replacements, refer to the Common Keywords. For all other keyword replacements, refer to the Asset Listing keyword replacements.
Online Poll
The following keywords can be used on an Online Poll.
Any Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
Prints the asset ID of the current active question. You can use the
keyword modifier to print any attribute of the current question asset, for example:
%poll_question_id^as_asset:asset_name% .
Question Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the value that has been entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question.
This will show the date that the current question was created.
This will show the list of options that the user can select from for the current question.
This will show a button that the user can press to submit their vote. When they click this button, the results for the current question will appear within the same window.
This will show a button that the user can press to submit their vote. When they click this button, a new window will appear displaying the results for the current question.
This keyword replacement allows you to show an image to use as the vote button. The user will be able to click on the image to submit their vote. When they click this image, the results for the current question will appear within the same window.
This keyword replacement allows you to show an image to use as the vote button. The user will be able to click on the image to submit their vote. When they click this image, a new window will appear displaying the results for the current question.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question.
This will show the URL to the results for the current question.
This will show a hyperlink to the list of previous poll questions.
This will show the URL to the list of previous poll questions.
This will show a hyperlink to the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question along with the date it was created is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question along with the date it was created is used as the text for the hyperlink.
Option List Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the text for the option. This is the value entered into the Poll Option field on the Details screen of the Poll Question.
This will show the number of the option. This is based on the order of the options on the Details screen of the Poll Question.
This will show the input ID of the radio input field options.
This will show either a radio button or a check box for the option. A radio button will appear if the Allow Multiple Selections field on the Details screen of the Poll Question asset is set to No. If this field is set to Yes, however, check boxes will appear.
Results Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the value that has been entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the question.
This will show the date that the question was created.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question.
This will show the URL to the results for the current question.
This will show a hyperlink to the list of previous poll questions.
This will show the URL to the list of previous poll questions.
This will show a hyperlink to the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question.The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question along with the date it was created is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show a hyperlink to the results for the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question along with the date it was created is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show the results for the question.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the number of the option. This is based on the order of the options on the Details screen of the Poll Question.
This will show the text for the option. This is the value entered into the Poll Option field on the Details screen of the Poll Question.
This will show a graph of the number of votes the option has received.
This will show the number of votes the option has received.
This will show the percentage of votes the option has received.
Past Questions Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show the list of previous poll questions, including the current question. Each question will be hyperlinked to the Results Format Bodycopy. In other words, when the user clicks on the hyperlink, the results for that question will be shown.
This will show the list of previous poll questions and the date they were created. Each question will be hyperlinked to the Results Format Bodycopy. In other words, when the user clicks on the hyperlink, the results for that question will be shown. This list will include the current question.
This will show the list of previous poll questions, without the current question. Each question will be hyperlinked to the Results Format Bodycopy. In other words, when the user clicks on the hyperlink, the results for that question will be shown.
This will show the list of previous poll questions and the date they were created. Each question will be hyperlinked to the Results Format Bodycopy. In other words, when the user clicks on the hyperlink, the results for that question will be shown. This list will not include the current question.
This will show a hyperlink to the current question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the current question is used as the text for the hyperlink.
This will show the date that the current question was created.
Past Questions List Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
This will show a hyperlink to the question. The value entered into the Poll Question field on the Details screen of the question is used as the text for the hyperlink. |
Password Reset Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on a Password Reset Page.
Password Reset Email
Within the fields that are available in the Request Validation section of the Details screen, you can use any of the keyword replacements that are available for the user assets. For example, if you want to show the username of the account in the Body of the email, you can use the keyword replacement %asset_attribute_username%
Additional, the keyword replacement %password_reset_url%
is also available. This keyword replacement will include a hyperlink to the Reset Bodycopy where the user can enter a new password. Without this hyperlink the user will not be able to reset their password.
Password Reset Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information Shown |
%password_reset_error% | This will a message indicating that there was an error with the password reset request. |
%password_reset_error_list% | This will show a list of the errors for the failed password reset request. |
%username_input% | This will show a text field where the user can specify the username of the account they want to reset the password for. |
%password_input% | This will show two fields side by side where the user can enter their new password into the first field and confirm it in the second field. |
%password_new% | This will show a field where the user can enter their new password. If you use this keyword replacement, you also need to use the keyword replacement Input field for the Confirmation of the new password so the user can confirm their new password. |
%password_confirmation% | This will show the second password field where the user confirms their password. |
%submit_button% | This will print the Submit button for the form. |
Redirect Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on a Redirect Page.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%referring_asset_<attribute>% | The attribute of the redirected asset where <attribute> is any attribute available on the asset. For example, %referring_asset_name% . |
%javascript_redirect% | This will display the JavaScript code to perform the redirect. |
%redirect_url% | This will show the URL of the page the user is being redirected to. |
%redirect_assetid% | If the Redirect Page is configured to redirect to an asset within the system, this will show the asset ID of the asset the user is being redirected to. |
The following keyword replacements can be used for a Link asset.
Keyword Replacement | Information Shown |
%link_target_X% | Specified asset value of the linked asset target, where X is an attached asset-based keyword. For example, %link_target_asset_assetid% would return the asset ID of the linked asset. Note that this is only applicable if an asset is used as the link target. |
%link_relation% | The relation value of the Link asset, as configured on the Details screen. |
%link_url% | The destination URL of the Link asset, as configured on the Details screen (either specified or the URL of the specified asset). |
User Group Manager Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on a User Group Manager Page.
Logged In Layout Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%error_messages_list% | This will show any error message that the user may receive when they try to link their user account into a User Group. |
%success_messages_list% | This will show the message that indicates that the user was successful when they linked their user account into a User Group. |
%location_picker% | This will show the list of User Groups to the user. |
%user_name% | This will show the name of the user that is currently logged in. |
%user_short_name% | This will show the name of the user that is currently logged in. |
%user_email% | This will show the email address of the user that is currently logged in. |
%commit_button% | This will include the submit button on the page. This keyword replacement needs to be included so that the user can link their user account. |
Not Logged In Layout Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%login_form% | This will show the login form with a username and password field. This keyword replacement needs to be included to allow the user to login. |
Decision Tree
The following keyword replacements can be used on a Decision Tree.
Questions Type Format Bodycopies
Decision Tree Question - Select Format
The keyword replacements available for the Decision Tree Question - Select Format Bodycopy are as follows:
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| The title of the Select question.
| The drop-down list of response options configured on the Select question.
| The question Note configured on the Select question.
| Returns details of the destination question for each option in the current question.
| The amount of points accumulated thus far on the Decision Tree. This keyword replacement can be used if you are utilising a points-based system on the Decision Tree.
Decision Tree Question - Numeric Format
The keyword replacements available for the Decision Tree Question - Numeric Format Bodycopy are the same as those available on the Decision Tree Question - Select Format Bodycopy with the following additions:
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| The submit button for the Numeric question.
Result Bodycopies
The keyword replacements available for use on the Result Bodycopies of a Decision Tree are as follows:
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| A tally of the amount of points that the user accumulated on the Decision Tree. This keyword replacement can be used if you are utilising a points-based system on the Decision Tree.
Page Contents Bodycopy
The keyword replacements available for use on the Page Contents Bodycopy of a Decision Tree are as follows:
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| The content of the Decision Tree. This includes the questions and results that have been configured for the asset. Initially, only the First Question of the Decision Tree will be displayed when this keyword replacement is used.
| The Reset Button, allowing users to restart the questions on the Decision Tree. |
Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added Added