- #105 - Screen short-cuts with auto scroll to a field or section on a page
- #133 - Auto-height textarea fields in Admin
- #307 - Add client side validation to Search And Replace tool
Bug Fixes
- #96 - Bringing an asset out of safe-edit with old metadata
- #170 - Trying to clone an asset underneath itself using the Asset Map throws error
- #189 - If the ViperTableEditor-toolbar is too close to the top / bottom of table, it stops the Insert line tool
- #203 - Remove old bodycopy asset table PHP files
- #233 - Moving the Page Contents asset under its dependent parent throws Asset Map error
- #248 - Asset map root node selector should open the root node relative to the domain you enter /_admin on
- #269 - Observable Event JS error in WYSIWYG insert link popup
- #278 - Change the remaining old warning styles to the new ones
- #279 - Section keywords in Simple Edit Keyword popup tool are uppercase
- #280 - Steal locks popup content is too wide for the window
- #302 - Recurring Calendar Event Asset shows instance keywords when on the details screen when you don't have the locks in Admin
- #313 - Acquire/Release locks button acting bit janky when running HIPO in web mode
- #314 - Error when handling Observable Events in popup window
- #322 - Backend UI logout button not working if current URL has some URL queries
- #328 - Undefined constant in Internal_Message class.
- #342 - SOAP Data Source asset is broken
- #349 - Swap Persona with Variation Checkbox throws error
- #352 - Approve and Make Live shouldn't be an option for a user without Admin Access
- #360 - expandOptionList() function in edit.js adds new fields but up/down & delete buttons don't function properly
- #369 - Can not steal locks in 5-5