Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016

The following keyword replacements can be used on an asset to view information on the Workflow Schemas applied and the status of any currently running workflow.

These keywords can be used together with the standard Common Keywords.

Workflow Schema

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%asset_workflow_applied_schemas% The Workflow Schemas currently applied on an asset.
%asset_workflow_current_start_time:X% The time the workflow process began, where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.
%asset_workflow_current_stream_name:X% The name of the Workflow Stream currently running, where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.

If no Workflow Schema asset ID is specified, these keyword replacements will return the values of all schemas running on the asset.

Workflow Step

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%asset_workflow_current_step_name:X% The name of the Workflow Step, where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.
%asset_workflow_current_step_start_time:X% The start time of the Workflow Step, where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.
%asset_workflow_current_step_expiry_time:X% The expiry time of the Workflow Step, where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.
If no expiry time is set, this keyword will return blank.
%asset_workflow_current_step_conditions:X% The User, User Group and/or Role conditions of the Workflow Step (comma-separated), where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema.
%asset_workflow_current_step_condition_ids:X% The asset IDs of the User, User Group and/or Role conditions of the Workflow Step (comma-separated), where X is the asset ID of the Workflow Schema

If no Workflow Step asset ID is specified, these keyword replacements will return the values of all schemas running on the asset.

Workflow Log Message

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%asset_workflow_current_log_subject% The subject of the latest workflow log message sent from the system, e.g. Asset Made Live.
%asset_workflow_current_log_type%  The message type of the latest workflow log message sent from the system, e.g. asset.workflow.log.started.
%asset_workflow_current_log_body%  The body content of the latest workflow log message sent from the system.
 %asset_workflow_current_userlog_subject% The subject of the latest custom log message submitted by a user, as defined when approving or rejecting content. The subject for custom user logs will always be: Workflow User Log.
%asset_workflow_current_userlog_type%  The message type of the latest custom log message submitted by a user, as defined when approving or rejecting content. The message type of custom user logs will always be: asset.workflow.userlog.
%asset_workflow_current_userlog_body%  The body content of the latest custom log message submitted by a user, as defined when approving or rejecting content.

Workflow Custom Messages

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%assetid% The ID of the affected asset.
%type_code%  The type code of the affected asset.
%workflow_user%The name of the user that last approved the changes.
%workflow_url%The URL of the Workflow screen of this asset.
%log_message%Comments of approvers who last approved the changes in this workflow.

All other available asset keywords such as %asset_metadata_<fieldname>%, %asset_updated%, %asset_name% etc.