Marketo Cookie

Last Updated: 30 Apr 2016

Marketo uses a cookie value set by its Munchkin JavaScript library in order to identify individual users on the domain of your site. The cookie, which sets to a user's browser, lasts up to two years, and is automatically renewed each time the user visits a page.

The Marketo cookie has the name _mkto_trk and a value in the following format:


This cookie is automatically set by the  tracking code on the page, if it has not been previously set. More information on the Munchkin tracking code can be found on the Marketo Developers site.

The initialisation code to set the Marketo cookie can be found in the Munchkin API Settings section of the Marketo Bridge. Once you have configured the Munchkin API, you can use the  global keyword %globals_marketo_munchkin_init:X% to print the initialisation code for the Munchkin API call, where X is the asset ID of the Marketo Bridge.

Marketo Cookie as Lead Key

Both the Sync Lead and Get Lead processes require a lead key to be provided to Marketo to identify the user to perform the action against. The Marketo cookie is both simple to implement and safe to use, making it a recommended lead key.

To use the Marketo cookie as the lead key, firstly ensure that the cookie is set for the user prior to the Marketo Bridge performing any data syncing or retrieving. Squiz Matrix will automatically use the Marketo cookie for any Marketo integration actions.