Keyword Replacements
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016
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Calendar Page / Upcoming Events List
The following keyword replacements can be used on Calendar Page assets (incl. Restricted-Period and Rolling) and an Upcoming Events List.
Single Event Format Bodycopy
The keyword replacements listed below can be used on the Single Event Format Bodycopy for the Calendar Page, Restricted-Period Calendar Page, Rolling Calendar Page and Upcoming Events List.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
%asset_attribute_start_date% | This will show the date and time that the event starts in ISO8601 format. |
%asset_attribute_end_date% | This will show the date and time that the event finishes in ISO8601 format. |
%asset_attribute_description% | This will show the description of the event. |
%event_start_date% | This will show the date that the event starts, for example 10th Nov 2008. |
%event_end_date% | This will show the date that the event finishes, for example 10th Nov 2008. |
%event_start_datetime% | This will show the date and time that the event starts, for example 10th Nov 2008 10:00am. |
%event_end_datetime% | This will show the date and time that the event finished, for example 10th Nov 2008 11:00am. |
| This will show the time that the event starts, for example 10:00am. |
| This will show the time that the event finishes, for example 11:00am. |
| This will show the time that the event starts in 24 hour time, for example 13:00. |
| This will show the time that the event starts in 24 hour time, for example 13:00. |
| This will show the time that the event starts without the minutes if it starts on the hour, for example 10am. If the event does not start on the hour, it will show the full time, for example 10:30am. |
| This will show the time that the event finishes without the minutes if it finishes on the hour, for example 11am. If the event does not finish on the hour, it will show the full time, for example 11:30am. |
| This will show the date and time that the event starts in iCalendar format. |
| This will show the date and time that the event finishes in iCalendar format. |
| This will show the date and time that the event starts and finishes, for example 10th Nov 200810:00am-11:00am. |
| This will show how long the event goes for. |
| This will show how long the event goes for in in iCalendar format. |
If the logged in user has Write Permission to the event, this will show a link to the /_edit of the event. Please note that you can link to Simple Edit interface for an event by hardcoding the link, for example: ?SQ_CALENDAR_VIEW=edit&SQ_CALENDAR_EVENT_ID= 3878&SQ_CALENDAR_DATE=2015-07-15 |
| If the logged in user has Write Permissions to the event, this will show a hyperlink to allow the users to delete the event. |
This will show the date and time that the event starts in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, if you want to show the date as 10th November 2008, add the following keyword replacements: %event_start_datetime_jS% %event_start_datetime_F% %event_start_datetime_Y% .
This will show the date and time that the event finishes in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, if you want to show the date as 10th November 2008, add the following keyword replacements: %event_end_datetime_jS% %event_end_datetime_F% %event_end_datetime_Y% .
| Prints the date of the currently listed events in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. This keyword can be useful when listing Single Calendar Events that span multiple days. |
Recurring Event Format Bodycopy
The keyword replacements listed below can be used on the Recurring Event Format Bodycopy for the Calendar Page, Restricted-Period Calendar Page, Rolling Calendar Page and Upcoming Events List.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| This will show the description of the event. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event finishes. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 2008-11-17 5:00pm for all events. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event starts. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 2008-11-17 9:00am for all events. |
| If the logged in user has Write Permissions to the event, this will show a hyperlink to allow the users to delete the event. |
If the logged in user has Write Permission to the event, this will show a link to the /_edit of the event. Please note that you can link to Simple Edit interface for an event by hardcoding the link, for example: ?SQ_CALENDAR_VIEW=edit&SQ_CALENDAR_EVENT_ID= 3878&SQ_CALENDAR_DATE=2015-07-15 |
| This will show the date and time that the first instance of the event starts and finishes, for example 17th Nov 2008 9:00am-5:00pm. |
| This will show how long the event will go for. |
| This will show the date when the first instance of the event finishes. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts and ends on the 17th November and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 17th Nov 2008. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event finishes. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 17th Nov 2008 5:00pm for all events. |
This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event finishes in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. If you add the keywords %event_end_datetime_jS% %event_end_datetime_F% %event_start_datetime_Y% it will show 17th November 2008 for all events.
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event finishes. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 5:00pm for all events. |
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event finishes in 24-hour time. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 17:00 for all events. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event finishes in iCalendar format. |
| This will show a description of how often the event is scheduled. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show Every week on Monday, until further notice. |
| This will show any exceptions that may occur in iCalendar format. |
| This will show how frequent the event is scheduled in iCalendar format. |
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event finishes without the minutes if it finishes on the hour. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 5pm for all events. If the event does not finish on the hour, it will show the full time, for example 5:30pm. |
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event starts without the minutes if it finishes on the hour. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 9am for all events. If the event does not start on the hour, it will show the full time, for example 9:30am. |
| This will show the date when the first instance of the event starts. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts and ends on the 17th November and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 17th Nov 2008. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event starts. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. This keyword replacement will show 17th Nov 2008 9:00am for all events. |
This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event starts in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. If you add the keywords %event_end_datetime_jS% %event_end_datetime_F% %event_start_datetime_Y% it will show 17th November 2008 for all events.
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event starts. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 9:00am for all events. |
| This will show the time when the first instance of the event starts in 24-hour time. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 at 9am and finishes at 5pm and it repeats every Monday. The keyword replacement will show 9:00 for all events. |
| This will show the date and time when the first instance of the event starts in iCalendar format. |
This will show the date and time when the event stops occurring in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, say you have created a Recurring Calendar Event that starts on the 17th November 2008 and it repeats every Monday until the 5th January 2009. If you add the keywords %event_end_datetime_jS% %event_end_datetime_F% %event_start_datetime_Y% it will show 5thJanuary 2009 for all events.
Instance Keywords
The keyword replacements listed below will print information from the current instance of a Calendar Event. These keywords can be used on all assets within Squiz Matrix.
Tip: You can use the as_asset modifier on these keywords to specify the event to print instance information of.
Keyword Replacement | Information Shown |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event finishes in ISO8601 format. |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event finishes in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event finishes in iCalendar format. |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event starts in ISO8601 format. |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event starts in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. |
| This will show the date and time when the current instance of the event starts in iCalendar format. |
Page Contents Bodycopy
The keyword replacements listed below can be used on the Page Content Bodycopy for the Calendar Page.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| This will show the calendar. If you do not include this keyword replacement, the calendar will not appear on the page. |
| This will show the title of the view. You can change the wording of the title for each view on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
| This will show a hyperlink to the next-broadest view. For example, if you are in month view, this hyperlink will be 'Year View'. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Up Link Text field on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
| This will show a hyperlink to the previous period. For example, if you are in month view, this will be '<< Previous Month'. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Previous Link Text field on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
| This will show a hyperlink to the next period. For example, if you are in month view, this will be 'Next Month >>'. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Next Link Text field on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
| This will show the name of the user who is currently logged in. |
| This will show a hyperlink to today's date for the current view. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Today Link Text field on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
| This will show the asset ID for each of the Event Sources selected on the Details screen of the Calendar Page. |
The keyword replacements listed below can be used on the Page Content Bodycopy for the Restricted-Period Calendar Page.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| This will show a hyperlink to the next page of events. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Next Page Link Text field on the Details screen of the Restricted-Period Calendar Page. |
| This will show a hyperlink to the previous page of events. You can change the wording of this hyperlink in the Prev Page Link Text field on the Details screen of the Restricted-Period Calendar Page. |
| This will show the list of events on the page. If you do not include this keyword replacement, the list of events will not appear on the page. |
The keyword replacements listed below can be used on the Page Content Bodycopy for the Rolling Calendar Page and the Upcoming Events List.
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| This will show the list of events on the page. If you do not include this keyword replacement, the list of events will not appear on the page. |
| This will show the asset ID for each of the Event Sources selected on the Details screen. |
Time Unit Format Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| This will show the list of events for the day. If you do not include this keyword replacement the events will not appear on the page. |
This will show the date of the events in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, if you want to show the date as 10th November 2008, add the following keyword replacements %time_unit_start_datetime_jS% %time_unit_start_datetime _F% %time_unit_start_datetime_Y% .
This will show the date of the events in the PHP date format that you specify in the keyword replacement. For example, if you want to show the date as 10th November 2008, add the following keyword replacements %time_unit_end_datetime_jS% %time_unit_end_datetime _F% %time_unit_end_datetime_Y% .
Calendar Events Search Page
The following keyword replacements can be used on the Calendar Event Search Page asset.
Please note that the majority of the keyword replacements available on this asset are the same as those available on the Search Page asset. For more information, refer to the Search keyword replacements.
Initial Search Page Layout Bodycopy
Keyword Replacement | Information shown |
| The input field for the event date filter, where <field_name> is the name of the configured date filter field. |