News Item

Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017

A News Item allows you to add articles to your site. These articles could be anything from a media release to a general article on your site.

The main difference between the News Item and Standard Page is that there is a field called Summary. In this field, you can enter a short summary of the article, which you can then display in an Asset Listing page and link to the News Item.

The News Item also has a few dedicated fields to enter contact information about the person who wrote the article.

The contents of a News Item doesn't allow for multiple Content Containers or the use of Content Templates. If you want to have more control and flexibility of the contents of your article, it's recommended to use Standard Page assets instead.


Unlike Standard PagesNews Items don't have a contents screen. Instead, all of the content and information is entered on the Details screen.


This section allows you to enter the name of the News Item, and various information the person to contact about the article.

  • New Headline: This is the name of the article. This value is also used for the asset's name and short name.
  • Contact Name: The name of the person to contact about the article.
  • Contact Phone: The phone number of the person to contact about the article.
  • Contact Email: The email address of the person to contact about the article.

Edit Contents

This is where you enter the contents of the News Item.

  • Summary: A short summary of the article or news story. This is often used in things like Asset Listings to show a preview of the article before the user clicks on the link to view the full News Item page.
  • Body: The main body of the article or news story. This is where you should enter the main contents of the News Item.


This section allows you to decide which information should be shown and hidden for the News Item. Setting any of these fields to "No", will hide that field when the News Item page is viewed on the front-end.


This section allows you to link the headline of the News Item to an asset or an external web site. For example, you can use this if you have created a News Item in one site but the full media release has been created in another site. You can create a link from the News Item to the media release.

  • URL: The full URL of the external web page you would like to link to. You need to include the full URL, for example, "".
  • Or Asset: Instead of linking to an external URL, you can choose an asset within your Squiz Matrix system to link to. Use this field to pick the asset to create a link to.
  • URL Suffix: Add any additional URL query strings to use as part of the URL. This will be added onto the end of the link, as specified in either the URL or Or Asset fields. For example, if the URL of the link is "", and you enter a URL Suffix value of "?some=value", the resulting URL on the front-end would be "".

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