Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 09 Feb 2021

The following keyword replacements can be used in implementations using the SAML Account Manager and OAuth Account Manager.

SAML Account Manager

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%globals_session_saml_attributes%The entire attributes data as a JSON array..  
%globals_session_saml_attributes_<attrtibute_name>%Specific value from the attributes JSON array. For example, 

OAuth Account Manager

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%globals_session_oauth_profile%The entire profile data as a JSON array..  
%globals_session_oauth_profile_<profile_name>%Specific value from the profile JSON array. For example, 


For example, if the JSON data returned for a SAML Account Manager is as follows:

{"first_name":"John", "last_name":"Doe", "email":""}

We can use the following keyword to extract the first_name value of John by using:%globals_session_saml_attributes_first_name%

If a JSON key has non-alphanumeric characters in it (applies to all characters except for "_",  "-", and "."), they will need to get replaced with underscores when using the SAML keyword to print the value. For example, if the JSON attribute has the following format:


The keyword to extract that value would be:

Same concept applies to the keywords for the OAuth Account Manager, just replace "saml_attributes" with "oauth_profile" in the keyword.