CSS Customisations
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015
Certain elements within the interface of the Edit+ for Squiz Matrix can be customised with CSS using natural cascading and/or specificity. These customisations are configured as CSS or Text File assets and then referenced in the Design of a Site via a nested Standard Page.
Bookmarks to the headings on this page:
Please note that it is important to test the Edit+ for Squi after any changes are made to ensure that the interface is operating as expected.
Example: Changing the Logo
We want to change the logo of Edit+ from the Squiz Matrix to our company's corporate logo.
Changing the logo
- Create a new CSS File called custom-ees-style. You can use this file to place custom style overrides for various interface elements.
- Upload the corporate logo as an Image file asset under the CSS File. This file should have the same dimensions (width/height) as the default logo.
On the Edit File screen, create a new CSS rule using the following example:
#ees_toolBarLogo {
Note: Replace 'path/to/my_logo.png' with the path to the logo uploaded in step 2.
background-image: url(path/to/my_logo.png);
} - Make the new CSS asset Live with public read access and copy the current URL from the Web Paths screen.
Place the following CSS link tag reference in your Edit+ design code, as shown in the example below:
<link href="path/to/custom-ees-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Tip: You can use this new CSS File asset to add additional CSS styles to further customise the interface of Edit+ for Squiz Matrix.
Example: Hiding/Showing Elements Based on Permissions
Part 1: We want to block access to specific elements from users (the URLs screen tab, in this example).
Hiding the URLs tab
- Create a new Text File asset called restricted-ees-elements.css (please make note that the web path of the asset ends with restricted-ees-elements.css).
- Make the new Text File asset Live with public read access.
On the Edit File screen, enter the following code:
#ees_screenMenuList .screenMenuItem a#ees_screenMenuurlsDefault {
In this example we are hiding the URLs screen tab (ees_screenMenuurlsDefault). Please note that specificity or natural cascading should be applied - do not use !important.
}Tip: You can use a browser extension, such as Firebug, to identify any Edit+ elements you may wish to hide.
Copy the current URL from the Web Paths screen and place a new CSS link tag reference in your Edit+ design code, as shown in the example below.
<link href="path/to/restricted-ees-elements.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
The URLs screen tab will now be hidden from users in the EES.
Part 2: We now want to redisplay this element for advanced users only (System Administrators and the Root User).
- Create a new Text File asset called unrestricted-ees-elements.css (please make note that the web path of the asset ends with unrestricted-ees-elements.css). Please note that this file must be served with a Matrix URL - if not, set Allow Unrestricted Access to No on the Details screen.
- Make the new Text File asset Live with denied public read permission.
On the Edit Contents screen, enter the following code:
#ees_screenMenuList .screenMenuItem a#ees_screenMenuurlsDefault {
This will reactivate the URLs screen tab. Once again, please note that specificity or natural cascading should be applied - do not use !important.
} -
Copy the current URL from the Web Paths screen (should not be a __data URL) and place a new CSS link tag reference in your Edit+ design code, directly under the previously added tag in this example (Part 1, step 4), as shown in the example below.
<link href="path/to/unrestricted-ees-elements.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
System Administrators and the Root User will now see the reactivated URLs screen tab.
Tip: You can apply specific permissions on this Text File to reactivate elements for specific Users and/or User Groups.