Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016


E-Commerce Form Page

The following keyword replacements can be used on an E-Commerce Form Page to display product and pricing information as well as e-commerce form questions and responses.

Order Logging Screen: Log File Formatting

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%item_name%   This will display the name of an item charged on the order. An item may include a purchased item or an answer to a question that has a dollar value assigned to it.  
%item_price%   This will display the price charged for the item.  
%item_id%   This will display the asset ID of the item.  
%asset_item_list%   This will display the asset item list, as configured in the Asset Item Format field.  
%question_item_list%   This will display the question item list, as configured in the Question Item Format field.  
%item_block%   This will display the item block, as configured in the Item Block Format field.  

Form Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_contents%   This will show the default layout of the questions and selection fields.  
%form_errors%   This will show any errors the user may have received when they click the submit button.  
%form_errors_message%   This will show the message that has been defined in the Error Message Format field on the E-Commerce Form Contents screen. By default, this message is 'There were errors submitting the form. Please correct the marked fields and try again'.  
%item_listing%   This will show the item listing as configured in the Asset List Format field of the Display Formatting screen.  
%reset_button%   This will show the reset button on the e-commerce form. This button is not mandatory.  
%submit_button%   This will show the submit button on the e-commerce form. If you do not add this keyword replacement the user will not be able to submit the e-commerce form.  
%form_captcha%   This will show the CAPTCHA fields on the e-commerce form.  
%form_captcha_image%   This will show the image for the CAPTCHA field.  
%form_captcha_field%   This will show the input field for the CAPTCHA field.  
%form_captcha_link%   This will show the link so the user can regenerate the CAPTCHA field.  
%question_label_<parent _id>_<question_id> % This will show the name of the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%question_note_<parent_id>_<question _id> % This will show the note for the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%question_id_<parent _id>_<question_id> % This will show the asset id of the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%question_field_ <parent_id>_<question_id> % This will show the box where the user can enter their response to the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  

Confirmation Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_summary%   This will show the responses that the user entered to each question on the e-commerce form.  
%confirm_text%   This will show the text entered in the Confirm Button field on the E-Commerce Form Contents Display Formatting screen.  
%cancel_text%   This will show the text entered in the Cancel Button field on the E-Commerce Form Contents Display Formatting screen.  
%confirm_url%   This will show the URL to confirm the order and proceed to payment.  
%cancel_url%   This will show the URL to cancel the order.  
%order_item_count%   This will show the number of purchasable items in the order.  
%order_total%   This will show the total cost of the order, including tax.  
%order_total_excluding_tax%   This will show the total cost of the order without tax.  
%order_total_tax%   This will show the total cost of tax on the order.  
%order_taxable_total%   This will show the total cost of the items that are taxable.  
%order_taxable_item_count%   This will show the number of taxable items in the order.  
%order_item_list%   This will show a list of the items being purchased.  
%tax_rate%   This will show the tax rate being applied to the taxable items in the order.  
%tax_name%   This will show the name of the tax being applied to the taxable items in the order.  
%taxable_item_string%   This will show the text entered into the Taxable Item String field on the E-Commerce Form Contents Display Formatting screen.  
%section_title_<parent_id> % This will show the name of the Section. <parent_id> is the asset id of the Section.  
%question_name_<parent_id> _<question_id> % This will show the name of the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%question_note_<parent_id> _<question_id> % This will show the note for the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%response_ <parent_id>_<question_id> % This will show the response the user submitted for the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the E-Commerce Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  

Receipt Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_summary%   This will show the responses that the user entered to each question on the e-commerce form.  
%form_info%   This will show information about the E-Commerce Form Page including the asset id, name and URL of the e-commerce form, and the name and asset id of the Site.  
%form_submission_id%   This will show the id that the submission has been given.  
%form_submission_ip_address%   This will show the IP address of where the submission was made.  
%form_submission_time%   This will show the date and time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.  
%form_submission_time_short%   This will show the date the user submitted the e-commerce form in the format yyyy-mm-dd.  
%form_submission_time_readable%   This will show the date and time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the format dd m yyyy h:mm[am pm].  
%form_submission_readabledate%   This will show the date the user submitted the e-commerce form in the format date dd m yyyy.  
%form_submission_time_readabletime%   This will show the time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the format h:mm[am pm].  
%form_submission_time_iso8601%   This will show the date and time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the ISO8601 format.  
%form_submission_time_rfc2822%   This will show the date and time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the RFC2822 format.  
%form_submission_time_rfc822_dateonly%   This will show the date the user submitted the e-commerce form in the RFC2822 format.  
%form_submission_time_ical%   This will show the date and time the user submitted the e-commerce form in the iCalendar format.  
%order_item_count%   This will show the number of purchasable items in the order.  
%order_total%   This will show the total cost of the order, including tax.  
%order_total_excluding_tax%   This will show the total cost of the order without tax.  
%order_total_tax%   This will show the total cost of tax on the order.  
%order_taxable_total%   This will show the total cost of the items that are taxable.  
%order_taxable_item_count%   This will show the number of taxable items in the order.  
%order_item_list%   This will show a list of the items being purchased.  
%tax_rate%   This will show the tax rate being applied to the taxable items in the order.  
%tax_name%   This will show the name of the tax being applied to the taxable items in the order.  
%taxable_item_string%   This will show the text entered into the Taxable Item String field on the E-Commerce Form Contents Display Formatting screen.  
%transaction_response%  This will show the Transaction Response XML from the payment server.
%response _<parent_id>_<question_id>% This will show the response the user submitted for the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  
%response _<parent_id>_<question_id>_ raw% This will show the raw value for the response the user submitted for the question. is the asset id of the Section the question has been added to or the asset id of the Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section. <question_id> is the asset id of the question.  


The following keyword replacements can be used on a Cartto display product and pricing information for items in the Cart.

Page Contents Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%asset_listing%   This will show the list of items in the Cart.  
%cart_updated%   This will show the text entered in the Cart Updated Message field on the Cart Details screen when the Cart's contents have been updated.  
%product_count%   This will show the number of items in the Cart.  
%total_value%   This will show the total value of the items in the Cart.  
%cart_update_button%   This will update the contents of the Cart.  
%checkout_cart_button%   This will show the checkout button to proceed to the checkout process.  
%checkout_cart_href%   This will show the URL to proceed to the checkout process.  
%insufficient_quantity_message%   This will show text entered in the Cart Insufficient Product Quantity Message field on the Checkout Page Quantity Tracking screen when there is insufficient stock to proceed with the order.  

Checkout Page

The following keyword replacements can be used on a Checkout Pageto display product, pricing and delivery information.

Checkout Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%cart_summary%   This will show the summary of the Cart including the items, quantity of each item and the total cost.  
%delivery_selector%   This will show a drop down menu with the available delivery methods.  
%delivery_interface%   This will show the selected delivery form.  
%error_messages%   This will show any errors the user may have received when they click the submit button.  
%go_to_confirmation_button%   This will show the Go To Confirmation button allowing the user to proceed to the confirmation page.  
%items_count%   This will show the number of items in the order.  
%items_total_count%   This will show the number of total items, including tax and/or delivery fees, in the order.  

Confirmation Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%customised_receipt%   This will show the customised receipt.  
%cart_summary%   This will show the summary of the Cart including the items, quantity of each item and the total cost.  
%confirmation_summary%   This will show the layout of the E-Commerce Default Delivery Method confirmation page.  
%confirm_order_button%   This will show the Confirm button allowing the user to confirm their details and proceed to payment.  
%return_to_checkout_button%   This will show the Return to Checkout button allowing the user to return to the checkout page.  
%items_count%   This will show the number of items in the order.  
%items_total_count%   This will show the number of total items, including tax and/or delivery fees, in the order.  

Failure Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%failure_summary%   This will show the layout of the E-Commerce Default Delivery Method failure page.  
%insufficient_quanitity_message%   This will show text entered in the Checkout Insufficient Product Quantity Message field on the Checkout Page Quantity Tracking screen when there is insufficient stock to proceed with the order.  
%return_to_checkout_button%   This will show the Return to Checkout button allowing the user to return to the checkout page.  

Receipt Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%customised_receipt%   This will show the customised receipt.  
%receipt_summary%   This will show the layout of the E-Commerce Default Delivery Method success page.  
%cart_summary%   This will show the summary of the Cart including the items, quantity of each item and the total cost.  
%order_xml%    This will show the information of the newly created order in XML format.  
%transaction_response% This will show the Transaction Response XML from the payment server. 

Customised Receipt Format

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%item_quantity_added%   This will show the quantity of an item in the order.  
%item_price_incl_tax%   This will show the price of a single item in the order. If the item is taxable, the price listed will include tax.  
%item_tax%   This will show the amount of tax that has been added to the price of a single item in the order.  
%item_price_excl_tax% This will show the price of a single item in the order, without tax applied.
%total_item_price_excl_tax% This will show the total price of the full quantity of an item in the order including multiples, without tax applied.
%total_item_price%   This will show the total price of the full quantity of an item in the order including multiples.
%total_item_tax%   This will show the total amount of tax that has been added to the price of the full quantity of an item in the order.

Customised Receipt Contents

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%receipt_listing%   This will show the receipt listing as configured in the Receipt Format Bodycopy.  
%total_tax%   This will show the amount of tax that has been added to the price of the order.  
%flat_fees_table%   This will show a list of the flat fees charged to this order.  
%flat_fees_total%   This will show the amount of flat fees that have been added to the price of the order.  
%sub_total%   This will show the cost of the order not including tax or delivery fees.  
%delivery_total%   This will show the amount of delivery fees that have been added to the to the price of the order.  
%grand_total%   This will show the total cost of the order.  

Ecommerce Default Delivery Method

The following keyword replacements can be used on an Ecommerce Default Delivery Methodto display and configure the delivery form's questions and responses.

Receipt and Recipient Emails

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%customised_receipt%   This will show the customised receipt.  
%order_receipt%   This will show the order receipt.  
%cart_summary%   This will show a summary of the Cart contents in HTML format.  
%cart_summary_text%   This will show a summary of the Cart contents in text format.  
%form_summary%   This will show a summary of the delivery form in HTML format.  
%form_summary_text%   This will show a summary of the delivery form in text format.  
%order_id%   This will show the order id.  
%transaction_id% This will show the unique transaction reference ID of the e-commerce order.
%negative_quantity_product_list%   This will show a list of the products which have been purchased by the user but are currently out of stock.  
%negative_quantity_message%   This will show the message configured in the Negative Quantity Message field of the Quantity Tracking section.  

Format Bodycopy

The keyword replacements that are available on the Format Bodycopy of an Ecommerce Default Delivery Method are similar to those available on the Format Bodycopy of a Custom Form. For more information, refer to the Custom Form keyword replacements.

Success Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_q % This will show the response the user submitted for the question. is the number of the question on the delivery form.

Failure Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_q % This will show the response the user submitted for the question. is the number of the question on the delivery form.

Confirmation Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%form_q % This will show the response the user submitted for the question. is the number of the question on the delivery form.

SecurePay eSec Payment Gateway

The following keyword replacements can be used on a SecurePay eSec Payment Gatewayto configure the payment gateway layout.

Display Format Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%credit_card_number%   This will show the credit card number field.  
%credit_card_expiry_year%   This will show the credit card expiry year field.  
%credit_card_expiry_month%   This will show the credit card expiry month field.  
%credit_card_name%   This will show the name on card field.  
%credit_card_ccv%   This will show the credit card CCV field.  
%credit_card_type_selector%   This will show the credit card selector field. VISA and MasterCard are the options available in this field.  
%submit_button%   This will show the submit button on the payment gateway.  
%cancel_button%   This will show the cancel button on the payment gateway.  
%reset_button%   This will show the reset button on the payment gateway.  
%transaction_amount%   This will show the amount of money that is to be paid in the transaction.  
%processing_error%   This will show any processing errors. For example, if the user forgets to fill out a field.  

SagePay Payment Gateway

The following keyword replacements can be used on a SagePay Payment Gateway to configure the payment gateway layout.

Display Format Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%card_name%   This will show the credit card name field.  
%card_number%   This will show the credit card number field.  
%card_start_month%   This will show the credit card start month field.  
%card_start_month_select%   This will show the credit card start month select field, allowing users to select a month from a drop down menu.  
%card_start_year%   This will show the credit card start year field.  
%card_start_year_select_XX%   This will show the credit card start year select field, allowing users to select a year from a drop down menu, where XX is the number of years back to display. By default, this keyword replacement will display five years in the drop down menu.  
%card_expiry_month%   This will show the credit card expiry month field.  
%card_expiry_month_select%   This will show the credit card expiry month select field, allowing users to select a month from a drop down menu.  
%card_expiry_year%   This will show the credit card expiry year field.  
%card_expiry_year_select_XX%   This will show the credit card expiry year select field, allowing users to select a year from a drop down menu, where XX is the number of years forward to display. By default, this keyword replacement will display five years forward.  
%card_issue_number%   This will show the card issue number field.  
%card_cv2%   This will show the Card Verification Value (CV2) field. This is required for CV2 verification checks.  
%card_type%   This will show the card type menu. Only card types selected in the Supported Card Types field on the Details screen of the SagePay Payment Gateway will be available in this field.  
%billing_first_names%   This will show the first names field for the billing address.  
%billing_surname%   This will show the surname field for the billing address.  
%billing_address1%   This will show the first line of the address field for the billing address  
%billing_address2%   The will show the second line of the address field for the billing address.  
%billing_city%   This will show the city field for the billing address.  
%billing_postcode%   This will show the postcode field for the billing address.  
%billing_country%   This will show the country field for the billing address.  
%billing_state%   This will show the state field for the billing address.  
%billing_phone%   This will show the phone field for the billing address.  
%delivery_first_names%   This will show the delivery first names field.  
%delivery_surname%   This will show the delivery surname field.  
%delivery_address1%   This will show the first line field of the delivery address.  
%delivery_address2%   This will show the second line field of the delivery address.  
%delivery_city%   This will show the delivery city field.  
%delivery_country%   This will show the delivery country field.  
%delivery_state%   This will show the delivery state field.  
%delivery_phone%   This will show the delivery phone field.  
%transaction_amount%   This will show the amount of money that is to be paid in the transaction.  
%processing_error%   This will show any processing errors. For example, if the user forgets to fill out a field.  
%submit_button%   This will show the submit button.  
%cancel_button%   This will show the cancel button.  
%reset_button%   This will show the reset button.  

Card Holder Verification Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%card_holder_verification_form%   This will show the 3-D secure service configured to your SagePay account.  

Payment Express Payment Gateway

The following keyword replacements can be used on a Payment Express Payment Gateway to configure the payment gateway layout.

Display Format Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%card_number%   This will show the credit card number field.  
%card_name%   This will show the credit card holder name field.  
%card_start_month%   This will show the credit card start month field.  
%card_start_year%   This will show the credit card start year field.  
%card_expiry_month%   This will show the credit card expiry month field.  
%card_expiry_year%   This will show the credit card expiry year field.  
%card_issue_number%   This will show the credit card issue number.  
%card_cv2%   This will show the Card Verification Value (CV2) field. This is required for CV2 verification checks.  
%street_address1%   This will show the first line field of the street address.  
%street_address2%   This will show the second line field of the street address.  
%street_address3%   This will show the third line field of the street address.  
%street_address4%   This will show the fourth line field of the street address.  
%postcode%   This will show the postcode field.  
%transaction_amount%   This will show the amount of money that is to be paid in the transaction  
%transaction_currency%   This will show the transaction currency.  
%processing_error%   This will show any processing errors. For example, if the user forgets to fill out a field.  
%submit_button%   This will show the submit button.  
%cancel_button%   This will show the cancel button.  
%reset_button%   This will show the reset button.  

E-Commerce Order

The following keyword replacements can be used to expose the values of an E-Commerce Order, for example, on an Asset Listing Page.

Keyword Replacement Information shown
%order_grand_total%   This will show the total cost of the order.
%order_item_count%   This will show the number of purchasable items in the order.  
%order_total%   This will show the total cost of the order, including tax.  
%order_total_excluding_tax%   This will show the total cost of the order without tax.  
%order_total_tax%   This will show the total cost of tax on the order.  
%order_taxable_total%   This will show the total cost of the items that are taxable.  
%order_taxable_item_count%   This will show the number of taxable items in the order.  
%order_item_list%   This will show a list of the items being purchased.
%order_total_discount%The total value of the discount (if any).
%order_total_before_discount%The total value of the order without the discount applied.