Nest Content
Last Updated: 22 Apr 2016
The Nest Content Content Type allows you to take the content of another asset in the system and display it inside the current page. For example, you can nest a What's New page into your Home page so the users can view the latest pages that have been added to the Site. For more information on the What's New page, refer to the Asset Listing manual.
When the Content Type for a Division is set to Nest Content, the fields shown in the figure below will appear.
The Nest Content Content Type
Select the asset you want to nest onto the page in the field provided and click Commit; the specified asset will appear in the Nested Content Container.
The Toggle Additional Options button allows you to display additional settings for the Nest Content Container, as shown in the figure below.
Nesting an asset in the Nest Content Content DIV
The Asset ID to nest the contents of field allows you to dynamically change the asset being nested using a GET parameter in the URL of the site. In this field, set a GET variable name - this variable can then be used in conjunction with an asset ID to change the nested content.
In the example below, the GET parameter has been set to id and is calling asset #150 as the nested asset. The content of asset #150 will be nested in the site in place of the originally set nested asset.
The Asset ID to nest the contents of field
The fields available in the Paint this asset section allow you to style the content that is being nested through the use of a Paint Layout. You can select to use:
- No Paint Layout - select Raw.
- The Paint Layout that is applied to the asset you have selected - select Using default Paint Layout.
- A different Paint Layout that you have created for the nested content - select the Paint Layout.
The Send the following additional GET variables to the asset section allows you to pass extra GET variables to the asset that is being nested. These values can include Global Keyword Replacements (%globals_*%), Keyword Replacements of the nested asset (%nested_asset_*%) and Keyword Replacements of the nesting asset (%asset_*%). To add a new GET variable, click the Add a new variable hyperlink. Additional fields will appear where you can enter the details for the variable.
GET values passed to the nested asset can be exposed using the keyword replacement format %nested_get_<variable_name>%, where <variable_name> is the Variable Name of the GET variable.
POST values passed to the nested asset can be exposed using the keyword replacement format %nested_post_<variable_name>%, where <variable_name> is the Variable Name of the POST variable.
When nesting an Asset Listing Page or Search Page asset, you can use the keyword replacement format %list_current_*% to print the values of the current asset being listed, for example, %list_current_asset_name% will print the name of the currently listed asset.