Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015
Squiz Matrix contains a number of tools that allow you to perform system wide functions. To access the tools, click on the icon located in the top right hand corner of the Administration Interface. When you click on this icon, the System Tools screen will appear. The tools
available on the System Tools screen are shown in the figure below.
The System Tools screen
From this screen the following tools are available:
- Rollback Management: this tool allows you to control the rollback data and provides the same management parameters as the existing rollback_management.php command-line script.
- Mass Clone Tool: this tool allows you to make multiple copies of an asset that you have access to.
- Asset Sorting Tool: this tool allows you to permanently re-order assets based on a standard asset field, such as asset id or asset name.
- Clear Matrix Cache: this tool allows you to clear or repopulate the Squiz Matrix cache for an asset. A one-off or repeating cron job can also be created by using this tool. These options are similar to the options provided in the Cache Manager but are available to all users of the Administration Interface.
- Re-indexing Tool: this tool allows you to re-index either all or a section of your Site for search purposes. However, if indexing in the Search Manager has been turned on, the assets are automatically re-indexed whenever you save a change.
- Global Search and Replace: this tool allows you to search for a string and replace it with a different value. You can select which part of the system you would like to search in as well as what types of assets. For this tool to work, indexing in the Search Manager needs to be turned on. For more information on the Search Manager, refer to the Search manual.
- Export Files: this tool allows you to export all file assets from under a certain root node to a .tar.gz file. Any folder structure that may have been created in the Asset Map can be maintained or removed in the file.
- Clear Squid Cache: this tool allows you to clear or repopulate the Squid cache for an asset. A one-off or repeating cron job can also be created by using this tool.
- Bulk File Import Tool: this tool allows you to upload multiple files through the browser into a specified location. The type of asset that is used will be assigned based on the extension of each file you upload.
- Import Assets from XML Tool: this tool allows you to perform actions passed in from an XML file, including the creation of assets and setting metadata.
- Export Assets to XML: this tool allows you to take an asset and all its children and export its details to an XML file.
- Delete Bulkmail Users: this tool allows you to delete Bulkmail Users from your system based on their email address. For more information on this tool, refer to the Bulkmail manual.
- Import Bulkmail Users: this tool allows you to import Bulkmail Users from a CSV file. For more information on this tool, refer to the Bulkmail manual.
- Structure File Import Tool: this tool allows you to import MS Word Documents into Squz Matrix and create a structured tree of Standard Pages. The tool converts the file to HTML, creating a new page for each heading it finds.
To access each of these tools click on the Name of the tool. You will be taken to the screen for that tool. For more information on these tools, refer to the following chapters in this manual.