Bug fixes
- #706 - Charcount and wordcount modifiers are not UTF8 aware
- #730 - Locks held on raw HTML container lets you edit content on page contents when locks not held there
- #752 - OAuth 2.0 Token tries to process the request for Public Users if its under construction
- #765 - Snippet keywords permissions get evaluated based on user group preferences
- #785 - Asset map doesn't automatically refresh in Import Assets from XML tool
- #838 - Hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL on Windows when asset is selected in asset map triggers move to trash action
- #869 - Moving a shadow link to the trash doesn't update the asset map
- #870 - Cannot set "Set Context On Log In" user preference setting
- #880 - backup.sh script .pgpass password needs escaping
- #909 - Fields not displayed for Image Variety 'Neither'
- #928 - After two minutes Edit+ will stop displaying "Unable to acquire lock for ..." errors regardless of lock status
- #955 - Unable to go from Safe Edit to Live via "Approve and Make Live" with squiz server and edit status threshold of 1
- #1007 - Asset map context menu doesn't close when you click the Purge Asset option
- #1054 - Metadata screen can redirect to any URL
- #1081 - Mark for deletion option not available in Content Containers in Safe Edit
- #1089 - Locks held on Snippet container let you edit contents on page/bodycopy contents screen without screen locks
- #1099 - Upgrade PEAR/Console_GetOpt for PHP 7.3 support
- #1100 - Fix default context insertion for PHP 7.3
- #1103 - PHPUnit tests are not failing on warnings or notices
- #1105 - Remove count of uncountable variable in Asset_Manager::assetExists()
- #1107 - Upgrade Guzzle for PHP 7.3
- #1118 - Asset Map reload_assets() not working on Root Folder asset
- #1122 - composer install command failing