Squiz Matrix Script Index
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2017
This chapter lists an index of the scripts that are provided within Squiz Matrix, categorised by their root directory within the system.
Scripts within Squiz Matrix should be run by an appropriate user that satisfies the required permissions of the script action. For example, scripts that write to the /data/ or /cache/ directories would usually need to be run by the system's apache user (apache/www-data).
Scripts in The /scripts/ Directory
The following script are located in the /scripts/ root directory within Squiz Matrix. These scripts are predominately used to perform general administrative tasks.
Script | Description |
add_remove_url.php | Adds or removes a URL from a Site asset and its children or the Designs, Media and Users system folders. |
add_user_own_access.php | Ensures that each user in the system has permissions to access their Squiz Matrix user asset and is provided as a fail safe measure in case the permissions have become corrupted. |
asset_listing_change_metadata_sort_option.php | Generates the SQL queries needed to change the metadata sorting options from raw to presentation or vice versa for an Asset Listing page. |
backup.sh | Backs up all files and database data from your Squiz Matrix installation to a single tar.gz file. |
clean_old_shadow_links.php | Clean links to shadow assets in the system that are no longer valid |
dejavu_management.php | Enables or disables the Deja Vu Memcache extension on your system. |
generate_ssh_key.php | Generates a SSH Key that can be used on external services supporting SSH Key authorisation, such as the Git File Bridge. |
get_design_area_setable_attrs.php | Prints out the names of all the settable attributes of all the design areas in the Squiz Matrix system, along with their descriptions. |
hipo_management.php | Displays any HIPO Jobs currently running on the system, allowing you to manage jobs that may have stalled. |
indent_list_to_xml.php | Takes a text file containing a list of indented items, and converts it into a Thesaurus XML import file. |
matrixsqlclient.php | Initiates an interactive database terminal in PHP to run commands against Oracle databases and can be used an alternative to SQL*Plus. |
migrate_metadata_text_to_multiple_text.php | Converts metadata content on a group of specified assets from metadata text fields to multiple text fields, splitting single entries by the specified delimiter. |
move_assets.php | Moves all assets of a single type from one specified folder to another. |
move_assets_to_dated_folders.php | Moves all assets of a single type into a dated folder structure. |
morph_assets.php | Morphs an asset from one asset type to another. |
permission_change.php | Changes the Permissions of an asset with the option to cascade the permission change to child assets. |
publish_static_content.php | Publishes the static content of specified assets to a set directory in the system. |
purge_trash.php | Purges the trash within the system. |
recreate_link_tree.php | Regenerates the link tree in the database for all assets. |
recreate_rollback_triggers.php | Regenerates the Rollback triggers in the database and may be required during upgrades. |
regenerate_file_systems.php | Regenerates the asset file contents within the system, including metadata, design and bodycopy content files. |
regenerate_treeids_for_triggers.php | Regenerates the ids in the database for all triggers. |
regen_metadata_by_root_nodes.php | Takes an argument of a list of root nodes separated by commas and regenerates the metadata for the child assets of each root node. |
regen_metadata_schemas.php | Regenerates the Metadata Schemas from the command line. |
regen_system_assets_config.php | Generates the system assets config for installed systems. |
remove_assets_of_type.php | Removes all assets of the specified type from your Squiz Matrix system. |
remove_asset_type.php | Removes all assets of the specified type, and then removes the asset type itself from your Matrix system. |
remove_form_submission.php | Removes all form submissions created between two specified dates. |
remove_internal_message.php | Removes internal messages from the Squiz Matrix system, allowing you to specify the time period, source, destination, type and Status of messages to remove. |
remove_old_cron_jobs.php | Removes any Cron jobs that were scheduled to run more than a week ago. |
replace_text.php | Runs the WYSIWYG Editor's Replace Text plugin on the editable content of a specified set of root nodes. |
replace_url.php | Changes the base URL associated with a Site or a system folder. |
reset_root_password.php | Resets the system's root password to root. |
rollback_management.php | Manages Rollback and is used to enable Rollback if you did not enable Rollback during installation. |
session_cleanup.sh | Clears stale session files on the system. |
set_files_unrestricted.php | Sets all files underneath a certain root node to either restricted or unrestricted. |
shrink_matrix_file_assets.php | Reduces the space taken up by file assets on the file system for Squiz Matrix systems installed on versions lower than |
status_change.php | Changes the status of an asset with the option to cascade the status change to child assets. |
system_apply_metadata_schema.php | Applies a Metadata Schema to a set of specified assets and their children. |
system_apply_permissions.php | Applies permissions to a set of specified assets and their children. |
system_check.php | Checks and identifies system integrity issues and reports back on any known inconsistencies in the system. |
system_integrity_check_indexes.php | Checks the Squiz Matrix database for any missing indexes. If missing indexes are found, this script will print an SQL query to run. |
system_integrity_check_links.php | Checks that all hyperlinks to another asset (referenced as ./?a=xx) inside a WYSIWYG Editor (for example, a Standard Page) link to an existing asset. |
system_integrity_clean_cache_dir.php | Deletes any expired cache files in the cache directory of Squiz Matrix. |
system_integrity_clean_old_files.php | Checks for, and optionally deletes, files in the data directory that do not belong to an asset any more (orphaned files). |
system_integrity_content_links.php | Verifies and updates asset NOTICE links for images or files in Bodycopy contents. |
system_integrity_deleted_user_perms.php | Deletes permissions that exist for deleted or non-existent users. |
system_integrity_fix_char_encoding.php | Replaces all non-utf8 smart quote chars by their respective regular counterpart chars. If a string is still invalid, this script will perform charset conversion on the string. |
system_integrity_fix_public_files.php | Evaluate and fixes the files on the public data directory, updating any out-of-date files, creating any missing files and removing any files that are private or should not be in the directory. |
system_integrity_fix_sort_orders.php | Verifies and corrects the asset sort order in the database. |
system_integrity_foreign_keys.php | Reports on the integrity of foreign keys within a Squiz Matrix database. |
system_integrity_form_submissions.php | Ensures that form submissions only appear under their associated form assets. |
system_integrity_incomplete_attachments.php | Checks for and/or delete any temporary incomplete attachments that were not automatically removed from the Squiz Matrix file system |
system_integrity_inconsistent_workflow_status.php | Detect and fix assets with a status that is inconsistent with its current workflow statuses. |
system_integrity_internal_links.php | Ensures all links to assets in the system in bodycopy contents are using the internal format of (./?a=xxx). |
system_integrity_invalid_links.php | Finds and links orphaned assets (i.e. ones with no links to them) underneath a specified asset ID, which should preferably be a folder. |
system_integrity_orphaned_assets.php | Finds and links orphaned assets (i.e. ones with no links to them) underneath a specified asset ID, which should preferably be a folder. |
system_integrity_recover_file_versions.php | Recover incorrect file versioning entries in Squiz Matrix. |
system_integrity_run_tidy.php | Runs HTML Tidy across all WYSIWYG Editor cells in a system, or under a particular asset. |
system_move_update.php | A simple script to be run after the system root path name has been changed, for example when restoring from a backup or migrating your Squiz Matrix installation to a new server. |
system_parse_design.php | Re-parses a specified Design asset. |
system_parse_designs.php | Re-parses all the Designs in your Squiz Matrix system. |
system_update_lookups.php | Refreshes the lookups (Web Paths and Designs) on all the Sites in the system (and their children). |
system_virus_scan.php | Runs the system Virus Checker and removes any found viruses. |
system_reimport_content.php | Re-imports content into a database. Most useful in cases where a database was not originally set up with the correct character set |
tool_export_form_submission_logs.php | Exports the form submissions of a Custom Form asset to a CSV file. |
upgrade_form_submission_linking.php | Moves Custom Form submissions under their designated Submissions folder (requirement when upgrading to v3.14) |
upgrade_future_trigger_actions.php | Converts any Set Future Permissions and Status Trigger Actions present in Trigger assets (requirement when upgrading to v3.20.2) |
upgrade_of_funnelback_binary_to_9_1.php | Upgrades the Funnelback binaries to 9.1 OEM (requirement when upgrading to v3.28.6). |
upgrade_session_expiry_preferences.php | Convert existing Global and User Group Session Expiry Rules to multiple-rule format (requirement when upgrading to v3.20.1). |
upgrade_ecom_keyword_total_item_price.php | Converts E-Commerce keyword %total_item_price% to %total_item_price_excl_tax%. |
Advanced Scripts in the /scripts/ Directory
The following script are located in the /scripts/ root directory within Squiz Matrix. These scripts are used to perform more advanced administrative tasks.
Script | Description |
clean_oven.sh | Cleans the following directories: core/lib/DAL/Oven/ and core/lib/DAL/QueryStore. |
convert_database.php | Converts a database from postgres to oracle / oracle to postgres. |
delete_assets_by_id.php | Move assets specified by ID to Trash. If an asset is linked under multiple parents only one link will be moved and there is no way to control which link that will be. This script has been marked as deprecated and it is not recommended to use this on production instances of Matrix. It has been removed from the code base as of version |
rebake.php | Rebakes the DAL queries for installed assets/packages. |
run_cron_job.php | Runs a specified Cron job. |
Scripts in the /scripts/import Directory
The following script are located in the /scripts/import directory within Squiz Matrix. These scripts are used to perform import and creation tasks.
Script | Description |
convert_fonz_for_import.php | Forms a valid Thesaurus XML file from a Comma-Separated Values file (CSV) - Functions of New Zealand (FONZ) thesaurus standard. |
create_pages.php | Mass creates assets, using a Comma-Separated Values file (CSV) containing page data. |
csv_to_html_tree.php | Takes a Comma-Separated Values file (CSV) and converts it to a tree represented by html headings. |
csv_to_xml_actions.php | Creates an import XML file from a Comma-Separated Values file (CSV) and an XML metadata mapping file. |
export_to_xml.php | Takes an asset and all its children, and exports its details to an XML file, able to be used with the import_from_xml.php script. |
import_asset_csv_to_matrix.php | Can be used to import a CSV file containing asset attributes and metadata values into Squiz Matrix to add, edit or delete an asset. |
import_files.php | Uploads files sitting on the server. These include MS Word documents, PDFs, images etc. |
import_folder_structure.php | Creates Folders in the Squiz Matrix system based on directories in the file system. |
import_from_xml.php | Performs actions passed to it in the form of an import script (this can include the creation of assets, setting metadata, or any other action that are available when creating a trigger). |
import_quiz_from_xml.php | Imports Online Quiz Multiple Choice Questions and Question Groups from an XML file. |
update_asset_titles.php | Changes the title attribute on a group of assets (for example file assets), specified in a header-less Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file. |
Scripts in the /scripts/locale Directory
The following script are located in the /scripts/locale directory within Squiz Matrix. These scripts are used to manage locale data within the system.
Script | Description |
locale_backup.php | Gathers locale information stored underneath each asset and package, to assist with the process of translating the interface and error messages to different languages. |
locale_restore.php | Takes all the locale string data generated by locale_backup.php and reintegrates it with your installation. |
Package Scripts
The following script are package specified scripts located in the various locations within Squiz Matrix. These scripts are used to manage different package-specific tasks.
Script | Description |
ldap_change_dn.php | Updates the DN of an old LDAP user to point to a new LDAP user. |
reindexSearchIndex.php | Re-indexes the assets within Squiz Matrix on either a root node or system wide basis. |
reset_bulkmail_job.php | Prepares a Bulkmail Job to be resent - changes its Status from Live to Under Construction. |
run.php | Runs the Bulk Mailer, dispatching the Bulkmail Jobs. |
schedule_bulkmail_job.php | Schedules a Bulkmail Job to be run immediately. |
import_files_from_bridge.php | Imports the files exposed by a File Bridge asset into Squiz Matrix. |
check_funnelback_setup.php | Checks the setup of the Funnelback system. |
funnelback_rebuild_cache.php | Rebuilds the cache for a set of assets (or system-wide). |
funnelback_reindex.php | Indexes a specified set of assets (or system-wide). |
give_funnelback_permission.php | Applies Write permission on a set of assets for a specified user. |
upgrade_suiteid.php | (Funnelback) Updates the db table information on Funnelback Search Pages in the system (run during Matrix's Automatic Upgrade procedure). |
upgrade_suiteid.php | (Squiz Suite) Updates the IDs on the Squiz Suite db table (run during Matrix's Automatic Upgrade procedure). |
Install Scripts
The following scripts are used during Squiz Matrix's installation process. These scripts are located in the system's /install directory.
Script | Description |
check_requirements.php | Verifies the program requirements of a Squiz Matrix installation against your server configuration. |
generate_install_key.php | Generates an install key for the system. |
step_01.php | Creates the main system configuration file during installation. |
step_02.php | Initialises the Squiz Matrix database schema, creating database tables, views, functions and sequences. |
step_03.php | Installs the various asset types on the system, including certain system assets. |
update_squiz_logo_login_design.php | Updates the Squiz Matrix logo in login designs (requirement when upgrading to v4.0). |
Additional Scripts
The following additional scripts are also available for use within Squiz Matrix.
Script | Description |
matrix_upgrade.php | Automatically upgrades your system from one version to another. Please note that automatic updates are only available to users who have an update subscription. |