Adding an Asset
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2021
There are two main ways to add an asset in Squiz Matrix: the first method is to use the Add menu at the top of the Asset Map, and the second method is to use the New Child menu option.
Create assets in Squiz Matrix 5 from Squiz on Vimeo.
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The Add Menu
Using the Add Menu
The Add menu is located at the top of the Asset Map and is shown in the figure to the right. To add an asset using this menu, click on the Add button at the top of the Asset Map; a menu will appear listing the assets you can add to the system. If you no longer want to add an asset, click on the Add button again to close this menu.
Select the asset that you want to add from the menu. For example, if you want to add a Standard Page go to Pages -> Standard Page.
Tip: This menu will also appear if you right-click within the white space of the Asset Map.
Line selector
When you move your mouse in the Asset Map, a black line will follow the mouse cursor. To create the asset in between two assets in the Asset Map, place the line between them. For example, to create an asset in between the Home and Squiz page, place the line in between the two assets, as shown in the figure to the right.
Box selector
To create the asset as a child of an asset, place the box around the parent asset. For example, to create a child asset of the Site, place the box around the Site asset, as shown in the figure.
The Create here menu
Once you have placed the line where you would like to create the asset, left click and select Create Here. To cancel adding an asset, select Cancel instead. If you try to create an asset in the wrong location, you will receive an error message. For example, if you try to add a Standard Page to the Media Folder, you will receive an error message as you can only add files and documents to the Media Folder.
Once you have selected Create Here, the Page Name and Link Type fields will appear on the right-hand side of the screen, as shown in the figure below. Please note that this screen will change depending on the type of asset you are adding.
The Page Name and Link Type fields
Enter the asset's name into the Page Name field and select whether the asset should be TYPE_1 or TYPE_2 linked to its parent. Once you have done this, click the Commit button. For more information on link types, refer to the Linking Screen chapter in the Asset Screens manual.
The asset will be created and will appear in the Asset Map. The Details screen of the new asset will also appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
Using the New Child Menu
The New Child menu option is available when you right click on the asset's name and is shown in the figure below.
Asset menu options
To use this menu, right click on the parent asset and select New Child. A menu will appear listing the assets you can add to the system. Select the asset type you wish to add. For example, if you want to add a Standard Page under the Site, right-click on the Site and select New Child -> Pages -> Standard Page. The Page Name field will appear on the right hand side of the screen. Please note that this screen will change depending on the type of asset you are adding.
Enter the name of the asset in the Page Name field and click the Commit button. The asset will be created and will appear in the Asset Map. The Details screen of the new asset will also appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
Using the New Child: Asset Type Menu
The New Child: Asset Type menu option lets you add an asset in the same asset type that was last added. For example, if you have just previously created a Standard Page, when you right click on an asset, you will see New Child: Standard Page in the menu, as shown in the figure to the right. Clicking this link is the same as going New Child -> Pages -> Standard Page.