SOAP complexType Parameters

Last Updated: 17 Dec 2015

This appendix outlines the complexType Parameters that are used within request and response envelopes generated by the SOAP Server.


The AttributeInfo parameter is a request parameter, determining the attribute information to apply to an asset. This parameter is used on the CreateAsset operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AttributeName string 1 1
AttributeValue string 1 1


The StatusDescription parameter is a response parameter, returning the status of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetAllStatuses and GetAssetAvailableStatuses operations.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
StatusValue string 0 1
StatusDescription string 0 1


The AttributeValueInfo parameter is a response parameter, returning the values of a selected attribute. This parameter is used on the GetAttributeValuesByName operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetID string 1 1
AttributeValue string 0 1


The AttributeProperty parameter is a response parameter, returning the attributes of a selected asset type. This parameter is used on the GetAssetTypeAttribute operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AttributeName string 1 1
AttributeID string 0 1
AttributeType string 0 1
AttributeOwningTypeCode string 0 1
AttributeParametersTypeCode string 0 1
AttributeParametersValue string 0 1
AttributeDefaultTypeCode string 0 1
AttributeDefaultValue string 0 1
AttributeDescription string 0 1
AttributeIsAdmin boolean 0 1
AttributeUnique boolean 0 1


The AssetFinder parameter is a response parameter, returning the information of assets. This parameter is used on the GetAssetsInfo operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type[*] see below MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetID   string 1
AssetType  string 0 1
AssetTypeAncestor string  0 1
AssetName string  0
AssetChildren string 
AssetLineage LineagesDetails*

The LineagesDetails parameter returns the lineage details for a selected asset. This parameter is used on the AssetFinderInfo parameter of the GetAssetsInfo operation. It is also used as a response parameter on the GetLinkLineage operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type[*] see below MinOccurs MaxOccurs
LinkID  string 1
LinkType string 1
Lineage Lineage* 0

The Lineage parameter returns the lineage of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the LineagesDetails parameter of the GetLinkLineage operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetID  string 1
AssetName  string 1
Order  integer 


The DesignLinkSummary parameter is a response parameter, returning the Design of a selected URL. This parameter is used on the GetDesignFromURL operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
DesignID string 1 1
TypeCode string 0 1


The MetadataInfo parameter is a request parameter, determining the metadata information to apply to an asset. This parameter is used on the SetMultipleMetadataFields operation. 

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
FieldID string 1 1
FieldValue string 1


The SchemaSetInfo parameter is a response parameter, returning the Metadata Schemas of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetSchemasOnAsset operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
SchemaID string 1 1
Grant integer 1 1


The LinkDetails parameter is a response parameter, returning the link details of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetAllChildLinks, GetLinks and GetLinkByAsset operations.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
TreeID string 0 1
LinkID string 1 1
Level string 0 1
MinorID string 0 1
MajorID string 0 1
MinorTypeCode string 0 1
MajorTypeCode string 0 1
AssetID string 0 1
TypeCode string 0 1
LinkType string 0 1
SortOrder string 0 1
Value string 0 1
IsDependant string 0 1
IsExclusive string 0 1
DependantTreeID string 0 1


The LinkInfoSummary parameter is a response parameter, returning the summarised link info of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetDependantChildren, GetDependantParents and GetParents operations.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetID string 1 1
TypeCode string 0 1


The ChildrenInfoSummary parameter is a response parameter, returning the summarised child info of a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetChildren operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetID string 1 1
TypeCode string 1 1


The FieldInfo parameter is a response parameter, returning the field values of a selected Metadata Schema. This parameter is used on the GetMetadataFieldValues operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
FieldName string 1 1
FieldValue string 1 1


The RoleDetail parameter is a response parameter, returning array of roles for a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetRole operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
RoleID string 0 1
UserID string 0 1
AssetID string 0 1


The PermissionDetail parameter is a response parameter, returning permissions for a selected asset. This parameter is used on the GetPermission operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
UserID string 0 1
Grant string 0 1


The SearchField parameter is a request parameter, determining search terms for an advanced search. This parameter is used on the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type[*] see below MinOccurs MaxOccurs
SearchTerm string 1 1
WordLogic string 1 1
DataSources DataSource* 0 /

The DataSource parameter is a request parameter, determining the search field type and options of an advanced search. This parameter is used on the SearchField parameter of the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type[*] see below MinOccurs MaxOccurs
FieldType SearchFieldType 1 1
MetadataOption MetadataSearchOption* 0 /
AttributeOption AttributeSearchOption* 0 /
StandardOption StandardSearchOption* 0 /

The MetadataSearchOption parameter is a request parameter, configuring the metadata search option. This parameter is used on the DataSource parameter of the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
MetadataFieldID string 0 1

The AttributeSearchOption parameter is a request parameter, configuring the attribute search option. This parameter is used on the DataSource parameter of the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetType string 0 1
AttributeID string 0 1

The StandardSearchOption parameter is a request parameter, configuring the standard search option. This parameter is used on the DataSource parameter of the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
FieldName string 0 1


The AdvancedResult parameter is a response parameter, returning the results of an advanced search. This parameter is used on the AdvancedSearch operation.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetDisplay string 0 1
SearchScore string 0 1
Source string 0 1


The AssetTypes parameter is a request parameter, managing multiple assets. This parameter is used on the BasicSearch and AdvancedSearch operations.

Elements - Parameter Elements - Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
AssetType AssetType 0 /
Inherit string 1 1