Metadata Schemas
Last Updated: 15 Jan 2019
As of version this screen has been removed and replaced with the Schemas screen. Please refer to that manual for instructions on how to apply and remove Metadata Schemas to an asset.
The Metadata Schemas screen allows you to apply a Metadata Schema to an asset and is only available to users with administration permission.
Metadata Schemas
This section shows the current Metadata Schemas that have been applied to the asset, as well as allows you to apply additional schemas.
The Metadata Schemas section of the Metadata Schemas screen
If you have not applied a Metadata Schema to the asset, the list will not appear, as shown in the figure above. When you apply a Metadata Schema, the list will appear in this section of the screen, as shown in the figure below.
A list of applied Metadata Schemas for an asset
Tick the Cascade option for a Metadata Schema if you want the schema to be applied to any new assets that are created as a child of this asset.
If you have changed the Cascade option, it is recommended that you perform a manual cascade.
To remove a Metadata Schema, select the Delete option for the Metadata Schema and click Commit.
To apply a Metadata Schema to an asset, select Apply in the list provided under the New field and select the Metadata Schema from the Asset Map in the second field. Once you have done this, click Commit. Alternatively, you can chose to Deny a Metadata Schema meaning that it will never be applied to this asset and its fields will not appear on the Metadata screen.
You can apply more than one schema to an asset but if two or more schemas have the same field name, a warning message will appear. For example, if you apply two Metadata Schemas to an asset and both schemas have the field Description, a warning will appear. This situation is not recommended within Squiz Matrix.
By default, Cascade this new schema to newly-created children is selected. This means that when an asset is created as a child of this asset, it will automatically by assigned the new Metadata Schema you are applying to the asset. If you do not want this Metadata Schema to be applied to the child assets, deselect this option.
Cascade Options
The Cascade Options section is shown in the figure below
The Cascade Options section of the Metadata Schemas screen
By default, Cascade schema changes is ticked. This means that when you apply or delete a Metadata Schema in the Metadata Schemas section, it will automatically cascade the changes to all child assets. If you do not want the changes to be cascaded, deselect this option before you click Commit.
Manual cascade allows you to cascade any current Metadata Schemas that have been applied to an asset to all of its child assets if the Cascade option is select in the Metadata Schemas section. If you have made changes in the Metadata Schemas section and did not cascade the changes, tick Manually cascade schemas and click Commit to cascade these settings. Any additional Metadata Schemas set on a child asset or any Metadata Schemas that conflict with the ones set on this asset will not be changed.