EES Build 1081
EES Build 1081 is the first of the Phase 3 builds and requires Squiz Matrix versions 4.4.1 to 4.6.5 / 4.8.1. If you are installing 1081 and have previously used Phase 2 builds you will need to update your design implementation. Please refer to the compatibility guide for steps required to update Phase 2 design implementation to Phase 3 design implementation.
Featured Changes
- Browser type and version now added to body tag class attribute, providing greater flexibility for CSS/JS customisation. New body CSS class examples include: 'Firefox5' (for FF5), 'Explorer7' (for IE7),'Explorer8' (for IE8), 'Explorer9' (for IE9), 'Safari5.1' (for safari). Use web developer DOM inspectors after EES loads to determine best class to use.
- EES Build XXX now viewable bottom left of edit mode interface. To assist support issues.
Preview Mode
- By default, EES will now NOT show differences. The user can control show differences in preview mode by selecting a new 'Compare to Live'. This feature will only appear if an asset is in safe edit, there have been changes made to the asset, and they are in preview mode. This can be controlled via the EES configuration file.
Details Screen
- Future Status now appears on details screen. Feature request #514.
- Set Thumbnail not appears on details screen. Feature request #516.
Metadata Screen
- Compulsory metadata fields - user shouldn't be forced to fill them all in. Feature request #515.
Asset Finder
- New 'refresh assets' button allows you to refresh all panels. This will allow authors to see the most up to date information.
- Due to asset finder re-build, information displayed for each asset listed in the asset finder panels now reflects details entered within the 'Asset Display Name' field located under the 'Asset Map Settings' within the System Configuration Screen (admin mode). Results will vary across systems.
- Hash support: bookmark URLs, histy (jQuery BBQ plugin hash wrapper) Feature request #522.
Error Handling and Debugging
- New error overlay reports EES specific JS errors thrown by the browser to assist with debugging and support issues.
- Debugging enhancements. If 'debug' in the EES configuration file is set to 'true' and you are using a browser that support console.log then the console will be populate with extensive debugging information. Browsers that do not support console.log will be quietly ignored.
URL Controls
- URL/_edit#mode=edit
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=details
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=content
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=metadata
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=workflow
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=linking
- URL/_edit#mode=edit&screen=urls
- URL/_edit#mode=preview
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=details
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=content
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=metadata
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=workflow
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=linking
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&screen=urls
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&show_diff=1
- URL/_edit#mode=preview&show_diff=0
Performance Enhancements
- New features added to the JS API to assist EES performance.
- Under the hood Squiz Matrix PHP/DB improvements to speed up core function interaction.
- 'Enhanced mode' (details screen of JS API) needs to be set to 'Yes'. This takes the JS API code out of the global namespace and allows the coder to interact with core functions using a JSON (object oriented) approach.
- 'Batch requests' (details screen of JS API) needs to be set to 'Yes'. This allows JS API function calls to be batched, dramatically reducing the amount of HTP requests made to the server.
- New getLineage function to reduce dependency on getParents/getChildren overheads.
EES Loading
- EES now acquires and maintains all asset locks for the duration of editing, locks are released using the toolbar (logout/exit) or by redirecting using the asset finder. Previously locks were acquired and released for each screen load and screen refresh. This reduces the amount of HTTP requests made to the server. Locks are automatically refreshed every 2 minutes by default or as specified via EES configuration file.
- EES by default now loads directly into edit mode. Previously EES loaded directly into preview mode, for large and complex designs this meant long wait times for the preview to generate due to the preview iFrame loading the design with no cache applied. This also reduces the amount of initial HTTP requests when first loading EES. Users wishing to direct the interface to load into preview, or a specific screen can specify in the config.
Contents Screen
- EES code now captures and filters redundant/duplicated Simple Edit external JS files and replaces with the one minified simple edit JS file sourced from Squiz Matrix libs directory. This reduces the amount of HTTP request per screen load.
Linking Screen
- 'Direct Children' section of the linking screen is now hidden by default and can be turned on/off via the EES configuration file. This reduces overheads related to getChildren calls for direct linking.
Asset Finder
- Rebuilt to call Squiz Matrix asset map functionality instead of using the JS API and now uses new getLineage function. No longer depends heavily on getParents/getChildren, dramatically speeding up panel load times.
- Now uses new pagination feature by default, defaults to 100 assets in a panel before a 'show more' button appears. This new feature (combined with reduced JS API dependencies) further reduces asset finder load times. This feature can be controlled via the EES configuration file.
Installation Changes
EES Configuration File Changes / Additions
For more information visit the Easy Edit Suite Installation Guide.
EES Design Template Changes / Additions
- New implementation approach - nesting all EES code to avoid design file editing when changing/customising/adding to EEScode.
- eesSiteURL now redundant, replaced with new EES config file variable for new approach. As before, the majority of systems will not need to use this.
- Replace /__data/ees/Libs/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js with /__data/ees/Libs/jquery/jquery-1.6.2.min.js.
- Add <script type="text/javascript" src="/__data/ees/Libs/jquery/"></script> to bottom of existing jQuery plugins.
Javascript API changes for new release:
New Details screen changes:
- Enable enhanced mode.
- Enable batch requests.
- Enable getLineage.