EES Build 1089
Fixed Bug #934: Error overlay appears for 'bodycody popup'.
When assets were in a read only state, code loaded from the contents screen (related to WYSIWYG div pop ups) would encounter an error related to the body copy pop up object/function not existing. New conditions added to ensure expected
object/function are set even if content screen can not be edited.
Fixed Bug #935: Error overlay appears for TypeError: 'null'.
When changing status and switching between details screens (in a specific order) the following errors were displayed in the EES error overlay:
Safari PC error:
TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'this._iframe.contentWindow.document') Url: undefined Line: 1350
FF6 PC and Mac error (ONLY SEEN IN CONSOLE):
this._iframe.contentWindow is null [Break On This Error] (1365 out of range 18) jquery....min.js (line 1365)
Safari for Mac error:
TypeError: 'null' is not an object Url: undefined Line: 0
Fixed Bug #965: View future status pane does not expand if the asset status is in 'read only' mode.
When assets were in a read only state you could not view future status on the details screen. The attach events function has been moved to ensure events on the details screen are still bound even if in read only view.